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University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics.

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Presentation on theme: "University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 1/18 ADAPTIVE LEARNING OBJECTS SEQUENCING FOR COMPETENCE-BASED LEARNING Pythagoras Karampiperis, Demetrios Samspon e-mail: {pythk, sampson} This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

2 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 2/18 Outline  Description  AEHS Definition  Problem Definition  Applying AEH for Competence-based Learning  Abstract Design Layers  Experiment  Conclusions

3 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 3/18 Adaptive Educational Hypermedia Systems  An AEHS is defined as a Quadruple (KS, UM, OBS, AM) with the notation [Henze and Nejdl, 2003]:  the Knowledge Space (KS), that contains (a) educational resources and associated descriptive information (e.g. metadata attributes, usage attributes etc.) and (b) the structure of the domain knowledge in-hand  the User Model (UM), that describes information and data about an individual learner  the Observations (OBS) which are the result of monitoring learner’s interactions with the AEHS at runtime  the Adaptation Model (AM), that contains the rules for describing the runtime behavior of the AEHS

4 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 4/18 Problem Definition  Adaptive educational hypermedia systems (AEHS) bare the potential to provide personalized learning experiences based on individual’s knowledge, skills, and competencies.  However, so far they have been confined in the provision of knowledge resources that are adaptively selected based on the structure of concepts a domain model.  Thus, in this paper  we analyze the architecture of AEHS and identify the new components needed for the provision of adaptive competence- based learning experiences  present a methodology for adaptive sequencing addressing the needs of the competence-based AEH architecture

5 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 5/18 Generalized AEHS Architecture

6 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 6/18 Competence-based AEHS Architecture

7 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 7/18 Common AEHS Abstract Design Layers AHAM Model (De Bra, Houben, Wu, 1999) LAOS Model (Cristea, De Mooij, 2003)

8 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 8/18 Change in AEHS Abstract Design Layers

9 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 9/18 New Abstract Design Layers  Learner Adaptation Layer At this layer the learning path for a specific learner is selected from the LPG based on Educational characteristics of media items (stored in metadata records) Learner preference information (stored in the learner profile – User Model)

10 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 10/18 Experiment: LO Characteristics CriteriaIEEE LOMExplanation General General/StructureUnderlying organizational structure of a Learning Object General/Aggregation LevelThe functional granularity (level of aggregation) of a Learning Object. Educational Educational/Interactivity TypePredominant mode of learning supported by a Learning Object Educational/ Interactivity Level The degree to which a learner can influence the aspect or behavior of a Learning Object. Educational/Semantic Density The degree of conciseness of a Learning Object, estimated in terms of its size, span or duration. LOM/Educational/Typical Age Range Age of the typical intended user. This element refers to developmental age and not chronological age. LOM/Educational/Difficulty How hard it is to work with or through a Learning Object for the typical intended target audience. LOM/Educational/Intended End User RolePrincipal user(s) for which a Learning Object was designed, most dominant first. LOM/Educational/Context The principal environment within which the learning and use of a LO is intended to take place. LOM/Educational/Typical Learning Time Typical time it takes to work with or through a LO for the typical intended target audience. LOM/Educational/Learning Resource Type Specific kind of Learning Object. The most dominant kind shall be first.

11 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 11/18 Experiment: Learner Characteristics CriteriaIMS LIPExplanation Accessibility Accessibility/Preference/typenameThe type of cognitive preference Accessibility/Preference/prefcodeThe coding assigned to the preference Accessibility/Eligibility/typenameThe type of eligibility being defined Accessibility/Disability/typenameThe type of disability being defined Qualifications Certifications Licences QCL/LevelThe level/grade of the QCL Activity Activity/Evaluation/noofattempts Activity/Evaluation/result/interpretscope Activity/Evaluation/result/score The number of attempts made on the evaluation. Information that describes the scoring data The scoring data itself.

12 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 12/18 Experiment Setup  Competence Ontology: EuroPass Language Passport  3 Complex Competencies  5 Simple Competencies  about 300 language topics

13 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 13/18 The EuroPass Language Passport  The Europass Language Passport  a European common model for language competencies, developed by the Council of Europe as part of the European Language Portfolio  designed to enhance the motivation of individuals to improve their ability of communicating in different languages.  supports the definition of individuals’ language skills on a six-level scale  defines a competence ontology consisting of 5 simple competencies and 3 complex competencies  each of these competencies is associated (directly or indirectly) with a list of language topics

14 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 14/18 EuroPass Language Passport: Partial View

15 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 15/18 Experiment Setup  Evaluation Criterion (based on Kendall’s Tau)

16 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 16/18 Simulation Results

17 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 17/18 Conclusions  Argued on the need updating the architecture of AEHS to better support the provision of adaptive competence-based learning experiences  Analyzed the design process of AEHS and identified how this process could be refined to reflect the new AEH architecture  Proposed a concrete methodology for adaptive LO sequencing for competence-based learning  Presented simulation results proving the feasibility of this approach

18 University of Piraeus Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems Centre for Research and Technology - Hellas(C.E.R.T.H.) Informatics and Telematics Institute (I.T.I.) P. Karampiperis TenC WorkShop, Sofia, March 2006 18/18 Contact Details Demetrios Sampson Informatics and Telematics Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, 42, Arkadias Street,Athens,GR-15234,Greece and Department of Technology Education and Digital Systems, University of Piraeus 150, Androutsou Street, Piraeus, GR-18534 Greece

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