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VIVA’s Interlibrary Loan in the First Ten Years Harry M. Kriz Virginia Tech.

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Presentation on theme: "VIVA’s Interlibrary Loan in the First Ten Years Harry M. Kriz Virginia Tech."— Presentation transcript:

1 VIVA’s Interlibrary Loan in the First Ten Years Harry M. Kriz Virginia Tech

2 Once Upon A Time “Interlibrary Loan is going to become more important.” --Eileen Hitchingham, April 1996

3 Why Go To The Library? To Get Books Preferably cataloged and classified books

4 But, if the library doesn’t have the books you want, what’s the Next Most Important Thing? Interlibrary Loan Of Course

5 My Introduction to VIVA ILL August 6, 1996 ILL meeting at James Madison University convened by Dennis Robison I was overwhelmed by good will, cooperation, thanks

6 My Question How had the ILL folks kept ILL secret from me and most of the librarians I had been hanging out with during my first 26 years as a librarian?

7 VIVA’s Annual ILL Forum An annual state-wide ILL Community Forum where practitioners share the joy and solve problems before they occur

8 Where VIVA Borrows From

9 Where Tech Borrows From - 1

10 Where Tech Borrows From - 2

11 Where Tech Borrows From - 3

12 At Tech, 41% comes from VIVA Other - Libraries not in a group ASERL - ASERL libraries DOCPROV - Document providers VAM - Claude Moore Health Sciences, UVa VIVA-2 - Community colleges VIVA-C - Public comprehensive universities VIVA-D - Public doctorals VIVA-E - Educational & research institutions VIVA-P - Private, not-for-profit institutions

13 VIVA Electronic Delivery

14 Where VIVA Lends To


16 How Many Lenders Do We Need? During the 2004 fiscal year at Virginia Tech: 1,146 lenders supplied 22,492 items

17 Lenders to Virginia Tech 2,650 libraries in 7 years supplied 179,000 books and photocopies 566 libraries provided 10 or more items for a total of 95% of borrowed items UVa supplied about 22% of all items

18 Our Library Isn’t Adequate & Neither is Yours During the 2004 fiscal year at Virginia Tech: 413 lenders supported the College of Engineering (718 engineers borrowed 5,100 items) 291 lenders supported the 11 customers who each borrowed more than 100 items (3,055 items)

19 Even More Startling 1 faculty member required materials from 111 lenders (675 items) VIVA (50%) –6 doctorals (36%) –6 public colleges (6%) –11 private colleges (8%) 22 ASERL libraries (22%) 66 additional libraries in dozens of states and two foreign countries

20 Where To Now? There are no significant VIVA-wide trends ILL patterns vary widely, even among libraries of the same type Better understanding of ILL depends on comparing data across different institutions


22 Is borrowing decreasing significantly at the 4-year schools?

23 Not if you factor out Virginia Tech and George Mason

24 Warning! No easy explanations

25 ILL Is this a great job or what?

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