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New Technology in War. World War 1 saw the introduction of new weapons and tactics never seen before. Weapons such as Gas, machine guns, airplanes, tanks.

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Presentation on theme: "New Technology in War. World War 1 saw the introduction of new weapons and tactics never seen before. Weapons such as Gas, machine guns, airplanes, tanks."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Technology in War

2 World War 1 saw the introduction of new weapons and tactics never seen before. Weapons such as Gas, machine guns, airplanes, tanks

3 The Tank an enclosed armoured military vehicle; has a cannon and moves on caterpillar treads

4 Allied Secret Weapon Work began on the ‘landship’ in 1915 It was hoped it would end trench warfare It was based on a tractor!

5 So what could the tank do? The tank could travel at 4mph It could turn sharply Reverse It carried a crew of 10 people plus 2 machine guns and a cannon It could cross a gap of up to 8 feet


7 Advantages It could protect Soldiers from Enemy fire It acted as a metal shield for the infantry It scared the Germans they believed the ‘devil was coming’ It could destroy enemy barbwire lines.





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