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Lesson Topic: Drawing Polygons on the Coordinate Plane Lesson Objective: I can…  Given coordinates for the vertices, I can draw polygons in the coordinate.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Topic: Drawing Polygons on the Coordinate Plane Lesson Objective: I can…  Given coordinates for the vertices, I can draw polygons in the coordinate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Topic: Drawing Polygons on the Coordinate Plane Lesson Objective: I can…  Given coordinates for the vertices, I can draw polygons in the coordinate plane, find the area enclosed by a polygon by composing or decomposing using polygons with known area formulas.  I can name coordinates that define a polygon with specific properties.

2 Preview of Exit Ticket Name 3 ordered pairs that could be used as vertices of a triangle on a coordinate plane and determine its area.

3 Let’s Review…  How can we find the distance between points on a coordinate plane? (absolute value)  How can we find area of irregular figures? Hint: there are 2 options.  What shapes do we know how to find the area of?  What does the word dimension mean?

4 Let’s Review some more…  How many dimensions does a rectangle have and what are they?  How many dimensions do line segments have and what are they?  How many dimensions do shapes have that we can calculate the area and perimeter of?

5 Graph all four examples on the same coordinate plane




9 Graph this example on the next coordinate plane

10 Exercises

11 Exercises, continued

12 Lesson Summary & Evaluate Your Learning Answer in complete sentences: 1 – What is area? 2 – What different methods could you use to determine the area of a polygon plotted on the coordinate plane? 3 – How did the shape of the polygon influence the method you used to determine the area? 4 – Write a situation of when you would need to use the skills practiced today in real life. How will you “Sharpen Your Saw”?

13 Complete Exit Ticket in Socrative Then, grab a worksheet and get started on your homework.

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