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I NTRODUCTION Raman Meritiana. C REATING I NDEPENDENT P UBLISHERS In this workshop teachers will have an in depth session on a range of useful tools for.

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Presentation on theme: "I NTRODUCTION Raman Meritiana. C REATING I NDEPENDENT P UBLISHERS In this workshop teachers will have an in depth session on a range of useful tools for."— Presentation transcript:

1 I NTRODUCTION Raman Meritiana

2 C REATING I NDEPENDENT P UBLISHERS In this workshop teachers will have an in depth session on a range of useful tools for publishing and how they can be implemented in a reading and writing programme. Teachers will explore the range of tools available in power point and word with a focus on creating independent publishers.

3 D IFFERENCE BETWEEN PUBLISHER, P OWER POINT AND W ORD All these tools have different purposes. The skills that you use in one are transferable to all. Publisher: Templates for publishing Word: Processors of words Power point: Presentation of ideas Limitations, the publisher file type is not universal used (commonly used).

4 Q UICK K EYS F OR PC U SERS Ctrl C = Copy Ctrl V = Paste Ctrl X = Cut Ctrl A = Select all Ctrl Shift Ent = Start a new page Ctrl N = New Document Ctrl O = Open a document Ctrl S = Save F12 = Save as Ctrl 5 = half spacing between lines Ctrl 2 = Double spacing between lines Ctrl U = underline text Ctrl B = bold text Ctrl P = Print Ctrl F2 = Print Preview

5 Q UICK KEYS FOR M AC U SERS Command-V paste Command-X Cut Command-C Copy the selected data to the Clipboard Command-S Save the active document Shift-Command-S Display the Save As dialog

6 U SEFULNESS IN WRITING Track Changes Drop Caps Sorting Alphabetically

7 T RACK C HANGES : I T ALLOWS YOU TO SEE WHAT CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE TO A DOCUMENT. To start Tracking Changes: Click Review Tab on the Ribbon Click Track Changes Make the changes to your document and you will see any changes you have made. Example


9 D ROP CAPS : I T CAN BE USED TO ADD EMPHASIS TO THE PARAGRAPH. Click the beginning of the paragraph you want to emphasize. Then click the Insert tab. Choose Drop Cap. You can scroll to any of the three preset Drop Caps and the document will change with your choice. Example


11 S ORT A LIST OF WORDS ALPHABETICALLY : NUMBERED LIST CAN BE ARRANGED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER. Select the text in a bulleted or numbered list. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Sort. In the Sort Text dialog box, under Sort by, click Paragraphs and Text, and then click either Ascending or Descending. Example


13 R EADING : Hyper linking  To a file on the computer  To website  To You Tube Creating interactive digital story using hyper linking to different slides

14 E XAMPLES OF IMPLEMENTING HYPER LINKING IN A POWER POINT : Hyper linking to a file already on the computer Example

15 H YPERLINKING TO A WEB SITE : To Hyperlink to a website :  go to the website you want  right click on the website  click on copy shortcut  paste on a document(word, power point and publisher).  click on Hyperlink  find your website and then click add. Example

16 H YPERLINKING TO YOU TUBE : Go on You Tube ( Select your video. Right click on your video. Select copy shortcut. Example

17 H YPERLINKING TO DIFFERENT SLIDES Creating interactive digital story using Hyperlinking different slides Example

18 P RESENTING I DEAS Examples Using Publisher to create Brochures, Flyers etc.

19 R EFLECTION Thank you so much for participating in our workshop on creating independent publishers. Go on to to post your feedback comments about our or go to

20 Q UOTE FOR TODAY Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. Johann Wolfgang von

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