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Update on Options September 2012. Issues for this meeting:  Green Hotel options  Other site/building options  Business Plan  Funding.

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Presentation on theme: "Update on Options September 2012. Issues for this meeting:  Green Hotel options  Other site/building options  Business Plan  Funding."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update on Options September 2012

2 Issues for this meeting:  Green Hotel options  Other site/building options  Business Plan  Funding

3  R22 deadline 1 January 2015  Continuity of curling – a given?  Compliant curling rink by September 2014  Money is limited – realistic options?

4  Curling is an aging sport  Green Hotel ice bookings are falling  Is this fall temporary or permanent?  Is there scope for optimism? ◦ Schools/juniors growth ◦ KCS ◦ Development Officers  Implications of demand for size of rink





9 Lease or buy? Options? LEASEBUY BUILDING Green Hotel rink Industrial buildings Dunfermline Sands Warehouse Old High School SITE Market Park Kinross western edge Pitreavie? Health Centre Pitreavie?

10  Options ◦ 4 sheet refurbishment ◦ 5/6 sheet extension ◦ Costs  Lease Heads of Terms  Catering  Phasing; DIY elements?  Permanent solution or stop-gap?

11  Option 1a £907,000  Option 1b £1,100,000  Option 2£1,370,000  Option 3£1,830,000  Figures include prelims; 10% contingency



14  Buy and adapt  Surplus space and land – income source?  RCCC do NOT want to co-locate – removes guaranteed sub-let  Costs ◦ c.£1m acquisition ◦ c. £0.75m Fit-out?  Planning – change of use  Funding – raise capital via shares?  Other interests – time very short


16  Buy, demolish, new build  Site size limitations – car parking?  Synergies with Leisure Centre, Campus?  Costs: ◦ £0.5m Acquisition/demolition ◦ New build (cp. Cupar) c. £1.25 – 1.5m?  Capital for acquisition?  Leisure use ok in planning terms?


18  Mixed uses/community element?  Old building could be a problem for a developer?  Sketch scheme – curling rink within shell of old building  Major housebuilder is preferred bidder  Deal with PKC – 100% residential  Reject curling use at front of site  Council to approve terms of deal

19  Options? No obvious ones ◦ Market Park – Local Plan seems to rule out ◦ Kinross West – PKC want business/industrial uses ◦ Agricultural land – is out of town viable? ◦ Industrial land/buildings Dunfermline – nothing suitable; lease costs £50 – 70k p.a. unaffordable? ◦ Dunfermline Pitreavie – problems securing own bar/catering  Keep under review as longer-term option?

20  Framework of Plan is in place  Modestly profitable business is possible  Examining key efficiencies: ◦ Energy costs ◦ Bar/catering franchising ◦ Flexible staffing duties ◦ Membership fee for Rink? Or add to ice charges?  Green hotel rental a key decision  Need to decide option and funding package before finalising

21  Lease and adapt a building is cheapest (Green Hotel option)  Lease ground and build new – capital construction costs eligible for grant  Buy land/building – possibly most expensive; purchase costs unlikely to attract grant

22  Sportscotland – c.£300k?  Gannochy – depends on option; up to £500k?  Other Trusts – up to £100k?  WCF Loan (more likely for new build) $50k per sheet  Soft loans – Charity Banks  Commercial loans – max. £300 – 400k?  On-line fundraising – Virgin Giving etc  Sponsorship/advertising (possibly revenue?)  Club fundraising

23 Total £1.44m

24  May need to raise £0.5m – 1.0m  Property Company within Trust structure?  Shares issue?  Could there be a small dividend?  What is the likely demand within curling?  Sands - need to assess demand quickly  Could raise capital as longer-term option – Green Hotel as short-term option?

25  Own or lease?  Are there short-term and longer term options?  What is feasible by September 2014?  Is Green Hotel acceptable either short or long-term?  Can the curling community raise significant capital sums?

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