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Welcome to Second Grade!. Second Grade Team  Amanda Belcher  MaeLani Bird  Kristin Cullen  Kathleen MacLaren  Tracy Rickert  Susie Serna  Clair.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Second Grade!. Second Grade Team  Amanda Belcher  MaeLani Bird  Kristin Cullen  Kathleen MacLaren  Tracy Rickert  Susie Serna  Clair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Second Grade!

2 Second Grade Team  Amanda Belcher  MaeLani Bird  Kristin Cullen  Kathleen MacLaren  Tracy Rickert  Susie Serna  Clair Volding

3 Hawk Elementary School Mission Statement The mission of Hawk Elementary is to create successful learners.

4 Curriculum  Math (Bridges in Mathematics) materials/parents/parents2 materials/parents/parents2  Science  Language Arts  Social Studies  Intervention & Enrichment  Health

5 Class Schedule 7:35-7:50 Arrival and Morning Work 7:50-8:10 Number Corner/Calendar Math 8:10-9:20 Math 9:20-9:30 Phonics 9:30-9:50 Cafe/Daily 5 9:50-10:30 Tutorials 10:00-11:10 Cafe/Daily 5 (reading groups) 11:10-11:45 Lunch 11:45-12:00 Read Aloud 12:00-12:45 Specials 12:45-1:05 Recess 1:05-1:30 Science 1:30-2:00 Writing 2:00-2:30 Read to Self 2:35 Pack up 2:50 Dismissal

6 Classroom Management Our classroom rules are as follows: Be respectful Follow Directions Keep hands and feet to self Listen carefully and work quietly Walk in the building I give tickets to reward positive behavior. Dojo points! ~ saved and turned in for prizes I give verbal praise and encouragement. I have an “Oops Book” to keep track of undesired behavior. ~ 5 minutes of recess for each offense ~ 2 signs is a note home

7 Daily Take-Home Folders  Daily folders serve as a communication tool and a way to track student behavior.  Calendar – please check daily We encourage you to read daily with your child.  Math Log – 40 minutes per week if needed

8 Math Log  Twice each grading period, students will be given a timed math facts test.  Students who show proficiency (95%) will not be responsible for the math log for the next 3-4 weeks.

9 Homework  In addition to the math logs, students will be responsible for:  Sight words need to be practiced at home for fluency and recognition  Math practice pages as needed  Guided Reading sheets need to be signed after your child has read aloud to you  Math Logs will be checked on Fridays for completion (signatures)  Reading Responses: Will begin the 2 nd six weeks. More information will come.

10 Grading Policy  Progress reports – Target Binders will serve as a progress report and be sent home throughout the six weeks.  Common Assessments –  Scores below a 3 will have the opportunity to retake for a better grade.

11  Grades are a 1, 2, and 3 scale. The goal is for each child to be a 3 – Meets expectations.  Writing is a process. This is an area that progresses as the year goes on.  Math is another area of progression. Students will be expected to explain their thinking as well as provide the correct answer. Grades

12 Target Binder  Assessments for each subject area will be kept in the binder  Used to provide feedback to students  Encourage student accountability  Student goal setting  Show progress  Communication for parents from teachers

13 We promise… As we begin to modify and improve upon our assessment practices, we can make you these promises:  Your child will continue to experience high quality learning.  We will continue to provide you with information about your child's learning and progress.

14 Keyboarding  Keyboarding practice will be during computer lab and will focus on home row keys.  Please encourage your child to use home row keys when typing at home.

15 A Few Key Reminders

16 Lunch  You may send in a check, cash or you can go online and add to a students account at  If anyone other than a parent or guardian would like to eat with a student, a note must be provided to the office in advance.  A student can only eat with their family.

17 Absences  Call the office on the day of the absence by 10 a.m.  Send a written note to the teacher when your child returns to school within 48 hours. E- mails are appreciated…but not accepted by the office.

18 2 nd Grade T-Shirt  Orders will be due on Friday, Sept. 6 th.  Worn on field trips  Worn on Field Day

19 Field Trips  Sharkarosa Wildlife Preserve – Oct. 23  One parent per class  Please have your child wear 2 nd grade t- shirt.  Please send a sack lunch  TWU – Kids Dance- more information to come  No chaperones due to limited seating (half-day)

20 Grandparent’s Day  We will be celebrating Grandparent’s Day on Friday, Sept. 13 at 10:40-11:00 in our classroom.

21 How to Contact Me… My goal is to respoail within 24. (940) 369-1828 12:00-12:45 Or 940-369-37__

22 Let’s Have a Great Year!

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