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STUDENT ORGANIZATION Returning Organization Recognition Packet Please review these guidelines to assist organization officers in completing the requirements.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT ORGANIZATION Returning Organization Recognition Packet Please review these guidelines to assist organization officers in completing the requirements."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT ORGANIZATION Returning Organization Recognition Packet Please review these guidelines to assist organization officers in completing the requirements for UHCL student organization recognition, in accordance with UHCL Student Life Policies. All recognition materials should be completed and returned in accordance with the timeline established by the Student Life Office, SSCB 1.204. For more information, call (281) 283-2560. Recognition Packet (Updated May 2012) RECOGNITION PETITION FORM Provide the information as requested: The amount of dues; the organization’s purpose and/or mission statement; a list of members (attach an additional sheet, if necessary); and officer initials by workshop dates attended (two officers must attend the workshop; however, they do not have to attend on the same date). 1 Two officers must sign this form, which states the organization officers agree to abide by applicable federal and state laws and university policies and procedures. The university policies are included in the Student Organizations Handbook. The Handbook is available on the Student Organization Web site. ORGANIZATION COMPLIANCE FORM 2 This form lists all organization officers, a phone number, email address, and the position each person holds. The organization advisor must also be listed. This form must be updated any time the organization has a change in officers and turned into the Student Life Office within two weeks. OFFICER CONTACT FORM 3 Each organization must have a current constitution and bylaws on file in the Student Life Office on paper and electronically. The constitution should describe the organization and how it will function in detail. It should be as clear and as thorough as possible. The constitution and bylaws should be reviewed annually (during the recognition process and/or during a change in officers) to ensure the organization’s needs are met. In addition, organizations must submit its Constitution electronically to the Student Life Office when changes are made. CONSTITUTION INFORMATION 4 This form is used to update the information as to which bulletin board, file cabinet, and mailbox has been assigned to the organization. This form is also used to request additional keys, if necessary. BULLETIN BOARD / FILE CABINET / MAILBOX INFORMATION FORM 6 REQUEST FOR ORGANIZATION E-MAIL ACCOUNT 8 This form is required to open an e-mail account on the UHCL server. However, an e-mail account is not required. An organization can choose not to take advantage of this service. In accordance with UHCL policy, this account must be opened in an organization officer’s name and must be renewed each semester. It requires the signature of the officer and of the Coordinator of Activities and Student Organizations. Two officers must attend a Policies & Procedures workshop offered by the Student Life Office before the recognition deadline every fall semester. In order to maintain recognition, this must be done every academic year. ATTEND A POLICIES & PROCEDURES WORKSHOP 9 This form is used to update the information on our UHCL Student Organization's webpage. STUDENT ORGANIZATION WEBPAGE INFORMATION 7 Student organizations are allowed to purchase and distribute honor cords to their members. The Student Life Office highly recommends that all student organizations utilize a point system for organization honor cords. HONOR CORD POINT SYSTEM 5

2 Returning Organization Information [All sections must be completed] Recognition Packet (Updated May 2012) Name of Organization__________________________________________________________________________________________ National, State or Off-campus Affiliation_________________________________________________________________________________________ Organization’s Purpose/Mission Statement _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amount of Dues: Per Semester_________________ Per Year_____________________ Honor Cord Colors (list all colors)________________________________________________ NOTE: Leave blank if you do not plan on ordering/distributing cords to your members. STUDENT MEMBERS - Please list names only. ________________________________________________ Total number of active members: ______________ WORKSHOPS - Please have each officer initial dates attended. June 12, 2012 __________ __________ June 20, 2012 __________ __________ June 29, 2012 __________ __________ July 9, 2012 __________ __________ July 26, 2012 __________ __________ Aug 10, 2012 __________ __________ Aug 20, 2012 __________ __________ Aug 30, 2012 __________ __________ Sept 7, 2012 __________ __________ Sept 11, 2012 __________ __________ Sept 12, 2012 __________ __________ Sept 17, 2012 __________ __________ Sept 20, 2012 __________ __________ Sept 26, 2012 __________ __________ Sept 28, 2012* __________ __________ *Recognition deadline is 12 p.m., September 28, 2012. All paperwork must be submitted to the Student Life Office following workshop attendance to ensure recognition for the upcoming year. Student Life Initials: ______________

3 Organization Compliance Form Please check these boxes to indicate that you have complied: q We certify this organization will comply with the policies and procedures outlined in the Student Organization Handbook and presented in the Policies & Procedures Workshop. q We certify this organization will live up to the responsibilities of recognized student organizations. Compliance with these guidelines ensures eligibility of rights reserved for student organizations. q We certify the members of this organization are free to choose and accept new members at their discretion provided there is no discrimination to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, or gender. q We understand hazing is illegal in the state of Texas. Our organization will refrain from conducting any pledging, initiation, or other extracurricular activities that may in any way ridicule, embarrass, or defame individuals as a condition of membership. q We understand once recognition has been granted, a renewal packet must be submitted at the beginning of each academic year. Furthermore, we understand that if any information changes during the academic year, including the list of officers, the Student Life Office will be notified and any applicable forms will be updated. Name of Organization: Two officers are required to review this information and sign below on behalf of the organization. Signature ____________________________________________________________ Date _____________ Office/Position in Organization ______________________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________________ Date _____________ Office/Position in Organization ______________________________________________________________ This student organization is officially recognized as having met the qualifications for operating within the University of Houston-Clear Lake, and is entitled to all rights, privileges, and responsibilities. ________________________________________________________________ Student Life SignatureDate Recognition Packet (Updated May 2012)

4 ORGANIZATION OFFICERS CONTACT FORM Each organization is required by university policy to keep the Student Life Office notified of any changes in leadership. Please complete this form immediately following elections, or as changes occur throughout the year, and return it to the Student Life Office. PLEASE INCLUDE ALL REQUESTED INFORMATION AND PLEASE PRINT NEATLY OR TYPE. Name of Organization____________________________________________________________________ Today’s Date______________ Date of Next Election ______________ Student ID: __________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ E-Mail____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Organization Advisor: “State law requires you be informed of the following: (1) you are entitled to request to be informed about the information about yourself collected by use of this form (with a few exceptions as provided by law); (2) you are entitled to receive and review that information; and (3) you are entitled to have the information corrected at no charge to you.” Recognition Packet (Updated June 2012) SGA Representative: Student ID: __________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ E-Mail____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Student ID: __________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ E-Mail____________________________________________ Employee ID: __________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Office Phone_______________________________________ E-Mail____________________________________________ Student ID: __________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ E-Mail____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Student ID: __________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ E-Mail____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Student ID: __________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ E-Mail____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________ Student ID: __________________________________ Name____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ E-Mail____________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________

5 CONSTITUTION INFORMATION SHEET Please read carefully and initial on each line, when applicable: __________Our organization has a constitution on file and no changes are needed. __________Our organization has a constitution on file and changes are needed. We understand that the revised constitution must be submitted to the Student Life Office before continuing recognition status can be granted. __________The constitution contains the latest date approved by organization members. __________Our organization has turned in an electronic copy of our constitution to the Student Life Office. *If you have questions during this process, please contact the Student Life Office. Recognition Packet (Updated May 2012) Confirmation of Constitution (Office Use Only): Organization Name _______________________________________________________________________ Date:______________________________Due Date: September 28, 2012 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (Student Life Signature) In accordance with university policies, each organization must maintain a current constitution on file in the Student Life Office. The constitution is an official document that governs how the organization will operate. As such, it should be carefully reviewed by the incoming executive board to ensure those students’ understanding of what is expected of them under that constitution. To receive continued recognition with UHCL, the organization’s constitution must be reviewed and, if necessary, updated at the beginning of the fall semester as part of the annual recognition process. Changes in the constitution must be approved by the organization’s members. If the constitution has been reviewed, and is current, please indicate so below.

6 ORGANIZATION HONOR CORDS POINT SYSTEM Please read carefully and initial on each line, when applicable: __________Our organization will not be using a honor cords point system for honor cords and does not have one on file from previous years. HONOR SOCIETIES may select this option if they follow a different cord system through their national office or through a specialized membership process. __________Our organization has an honor cords point system on file and no changes are needed. __________Our organization has an honor cords point system on file and changes are needed. We understand that the revised cords point system must be updated in our constitution and submitted to the Student Life Office before continuing recognition status can be granted. __________The honor cords point system contains the latest date approved by organization members. __________Our organization has turned in an electronic copy of our honor cords point system to the Student Life Office. Note: A point system outline is provided on the following page. Use this format as a guide when creating your point system. If you have questions during this process, please contact the Student Life Office. Recognition Packet (Updated May 2012) Confirmation of Honor Cords Point System (Office Use Only): Organization Name _______________________________________________________________________ Date:______________________________Due Date: September 28, 2012 _______________________________________________________________________________________ (Student Life Signature) Student organizations are allowed to purchase and distribute honor cords to their members. The Student Life Office recommends that all student organizations utilize a point system for organization honor cords. Point systems help encourage organization members to stay engaged with their student organization throughout the academic year or the length of their degree program. Honor cords are to be given to students to recognize their accomplishments with a student organization. It is not a requirement to have an honor cords point system in order to be recognized. Student organizations who currently have honor cords point systems in place must be reviewed and, if necessary, updated at the beginning of the fall semester as part of the annual recognition process. Changes in the honor cords point system must be approved by the organization’s members and if necessary the organization constitution will need to be updated as well. If the honor cords point system has been reviewed, and is current, please indicate so below.

7 (Sample Title) XYZ Student Organization Honor Cords Point System Last Updated: September 1, 2099 Introduction paragraph: Discuss the organization’s mission statement and the purpose of the honor cords point system. This paragraph will need to highlight the importance of active participation within the organization and volunteerism on campus. Second Paragraph: Detailed instructions on how to gain points toward earning cords. Each organization will have different instructions. The instructions will also need to explain the list below so that members are not confused as to how to gain points for certain activities. The introduction of a log may need to be presented in this paragraph. The organization may want to also consider assigning an officer to help track member points. Third Paragraph: Each organization will need to design a list of opportunities for members to follow to gain points. Each organization will design their lists differently so the type of activities and the number of points assigned to each activity will be different for each student organization. Below are examples of activities and the amount of points each one is worth. Again, this is only a sample to act as a guide. Attend general meetings – 2 points per meeting Volunteering at an on-campus event – 2 points per event Volunteering at an on-campus organization hosted event – 5 points Volunteering at an off campus event – 2 points per event Volunteering at an off campus hosted or sponsored by organization – 5 points Holding an officer position (full term) – 20 points per semester Volunteering at an SGA event – 3 points Attend an SGA meeting (Excluding SGA Reps) – 5 points (max 5 meetings per semester) Participating in a university committee (full attendance) – 10 points Bring a new student to a meeting – 2 points per new student (max 10) Post flyers and other advertising materials on campus – 3 points per assignment Post flyers and other advertising materials off campus – 5 points per assignment Recruit new members – 5 points per person (points given after membership approved) Bake Sales: baking goods for a sale – 5 points per event Raffle Tickets: Sell at least 30 tickets – 10 points Raffle tickets: Sell an additional 30 tickets – 10 points for each additional set of 30 tickets. Wear an organization approved t-shirt on campus – 5 points (max 20 points) Wear an organization approved t-shirt to a meeting – 2 points (max 10) Concluding paragraph: Reiterate the importance of keeping a log of the activities. Some organizations may require the organization president or other assigned officers to sign off on each activities or opportunity. This paragraph will also need to explain the total number of points needed to earn honor cords. The total number of points should not be too high or too low. The cords point system is to encourage members work toward honor cords so the total points will need to be realistic and attainable. Recognition Packet (Updated May 2012) HONOR CORDS POINT SYSTEM OUTLINE A Guide for Student Organizations

8 Organization Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________ BULLETIN BOARD: Bulletin Board spaces are reassigned every year during Recognition Period, based on the order in which completed Recognition Packets are received. There are seventy five (75) Bulletin Board spaces, located in the Bayou Building in the Student Entrance Hallway. Every effort will be made to assure that you get the board you request, but we cannot guarantee your organization a space if you delay completing the annual Recognition Packet. Please indicate below if you wish to retain the same bulletin board or if you wish to change. Bulletin Boards are numbered 1 through 25 across and the three rows are lettered A, B, or C. They hold a full sheet of poster board (22 inches x 28 inches) if you would like to work on your design at home. _______ Our organization would like to keep _______ Our organization would like to move to a the same bulletin board, which is _______. different board. Our top 3 choices are: _______ _______ _______ MAILBOX: The Student Life Office has assigned a mailbox to your organization. Mailboxes are located in the SSCB Student Lounge. Please complete the section below: Our organization is assigned to mailbox # ________. Our organization would like to order keys: YES NO Names of current officers who have keys: ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ FILE CABINET: The Student Life Office has assigned your organization to a file cabinet in the Organizations’ File Cabinet Room (SSCB 1.202.01). The same cabinet is assigned to the same organization as long as that organization maintains its recognition status and as long as the organization is actively sponsoring programs and events. Please do not store food in your cabinet. Please complete the section below: Our organization is assigned to file cabinet # ________. Our organization would like to order keys: YES NO Names of current officers who have keys: ____________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________ RETURNING STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Bulletin Board / File Cabinet / Mailbox Information For File Cabinets and Mailboxes: Current officers are responsible for maintaining appropriate custody of file cabinet and mailbox keys. One (1) set of keys to the file cabinet and the mailbox was provided to the organization at no cost when the organization was founded. These keys should be passed to new officers each year. Additional keys will be made upon written request and payment of a key charge ($5 each, non-refundable). Please list all officers who are holding keys in the place indicated below. Recognition Packet (Updated May 2012)

9 Student Organization Webpage Information In the space provided please write a 2-3 sentence description of how you would describe your organization to an interested student. This may include a mission statement, a specific major, and/or any national affiliation the organization has. _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Website contact information: President: ______________________________________________________________________________ Contact Email: __________________________________________________________________________ Advisor: _______________________________________________________________________________ Contact Email: __________________________________________________________________________ Outside website & social media links: Organization webpage link: ________________________________________________________________ Organization facebook link: ________________________________________________________________ Other social media links: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Recognition Packet (Updated May 2012)


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