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Innovation through Institutional Integration (I 3 ) National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation.

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1 Innovation through Institutional Integration (I 3 ) National Science Foundation Directorate for Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation

2  Challenges faculty, administrators, and others in institutions of higher education to think strategically about the creative integration of NSF-funded awards towards a whole that exceeds the sum of its parts. Innovation through Institutional Integration


4 Keys to Innovation  Creativity  Connectivity  Integration  Synergy

5 Goals of I 3 Increase synergy and collaboration across NSF- funded projects and within/between institutions Expand and deepen impact, and enhance sustainability Broaden participation, attend to transitions across critical educational junctures, and/or provide for more globally engaged workforce Promote innovative programming, policies and practices to encourage integration of STEM research and education Encourage research on intra- or inter-institutional integration & broader impacts

6 Proposals are expected to incorporate a depth and quality of creative, coherent, and strategic actions that extend beyond commonplace approaches to normal institutional operations. Innovation through Institutional Integration

7 Cross-Divisional Effort In EHR For 2009, proposals are solicited in nine programs:  Centers of Research Excellence in Science and Technology (CREST)  Research on Gender in Science and Engineering (GSE)  Historically Black Colleges and Universities Undergraduate Program (HBCU-UP)  Alliances for Broadening Participation in STEM: Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP)  Math and Science Partnerships (MSP)  Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers (ITEST)  Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program (NOYCE)  Research in Disabilities Education (RDE)  Tribal Colleges and Universities Program (TCUP)

8 Eligibility And Limit On Number Of Proposals  I 3 is limited to institutions of higher education (including two – and four- year colleges) accredited in, or having a campus located in the US, unless the proposal is exclusively for I 3 STEM educational or related research.  If the proposal is exclusively for research, then all categories of proposers identified in the NSF Grant Proposal Guide are eligible.  Principal Investigator must be the University Provost or equivalent chief academic officer, unless the proposal is exclusively for I 3 STEM educational or related research.

9 Eligibility And Limit On Number Of Proposals  Only one proposal from an institution may be submitted for each deadline. All proposals, without regard to which program submitted, will be reviewed in competition with one another.  No more than one award will be made to an institution.

10 Proposals For Implementation Expected To Articulate  Project’s vision, goals, and anticipated outcomes  Plan for achieving them, based on relevant literature  Results from prior, relevant NSF investments, especially those projects on which proposed institutional integration is based  Management/governance plan and timeline  Evaluation plan to assess progress and success in meeting project goals and objectives

11 Proposals For Research Expected To Provide  Brief review of literature that informs proposed research  Discussion of methodology and its alignment with strategic research questions  Clear articulation of logic among research question, method, analysis, inference, and evidence

12 Project Evaluation  Information about the project evaluation component of the proposal can be found in the solicitation:  Section V: PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS  A. Proposal Preparation Instructions

13 Special Review Criteria  Extent to which project addresses goals for institutional integration and adds value to existing awards  Demonstrated track record of success with existing NSF awards as base for project  Degree of innovation  Extent to which project addresses programming, policies, and practices that sustain institutional changes needed for ongoing synergy

14 Continuing grants of up to $250K per year for up to five years, for a total of $1,250,000 with funding for years 4 and 5 dependent on project progress and availability of funds. Innovation through Institutional Integration

15 Proposals Due: February 24, 2009 & August 25, 2009 I 3 proposals submitted to any of the nine participating EHR programs have a common due date and will be reviewed in competition with one another.

16 FAQs Available At EHR Website:  Visit  Click on “Program Area” on left navigation bar and select “Education”  Find FAQs link in the “Special Announcements” section

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