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“Pathway to accountability in the global land rush (PAGLAR): lessons from West Africa” Mark Kakraba-Ampeh/ Eric Yeboah (LRMC-Ghana) Samuel Nguiffo/ Téodyl.

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Presentation on theme: "“Pathway to accountability in the global land rush (PAGLAR): lessons from West Africa” Mark Kakraba-Ampeh/ Eric Yeboah (LRMC-Ghana) Samuel Nguiffo/ Téodyl."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Pathway to accountability in the global land rush (PAGLAR): lessons from West Africa” Mark Kakraba-Ampeh/ Eric Yeboah (LRMC-Ghana) Samuel Nguiffo/ Téodyl Nkuintchua Tchoudjen (CED-Cameroon) Lorenzo Cotula (IIED-UK) Mamadou Fall (IED Afrique-Senegal) Mark Kakraba-Ampeh/ Eric Yeboah (LRMC-Ghana) Samuel Nguiffo/ Téodyl Nkuintchua Tchoudjen (CED-Cameroon) Lorenzo Cotula (IIED-UK) Mamadou Fall (IED Afrique-Senegal) 16 th Annual Land and Poverty Conference 23-27 March Washington DC

2 Background The surge in large-scale commercial interest in land by domestic and international actors has prompted a wide variety of stakeholders to consider how such investments may contribute to local development priorities ; Large-scale land acquisitions (LSLAs) have been a growing and worrying trend in many countries ; Risks of negative impacts on: access and control over natural resources, household economies, food security, human rights, and environment ; Large areas of lands have already been allocated to private investors and, in many cases, land acquisition processes have been accompanied by conflict ; In this context, there is broad agreement that improving accountability is critical in ensuring that investment processes respond to local needs and aspirations

3 Strategy Review legal frameworks in light of VGGT combined with fieldwork assessment In three sites, test tools to increase accountability in land deals, working with local communities and government Lay the foundations for change in policy and practice through the uptake of research findings and the wider replication of the tools tested by the project

4 Key Findings Despite the legal framework designed by state land customary tenure continuous to exist in all the countries ; Despite the various existing laws and policies, the processes of acquiring land for commercial agricultural investments often do not conform to good land governance practices; Process of land negotiation is often not transparent and this creates the opportunity for elite capture of incidental benefits ; Decision-making around such allocations and investments is frequently done in secret and without the knowledge or consent of communities affected, who are unable to hold governments or commercial investors to account

5 Approach The link between VGGT and national law have allowed to identify gap in terme of accountability and tools will reinforce them The fieldwork adopts a participatory assessment which improve sensibility in agricultural investment The project links this assessment with a reflection and action-planning process by all stakeholders, aiming to strengthen capacities in those areas where weaknesses or challenges are detected. The action-planning include to sensitive stakeholders on the way to allocate adapted rights for agricultural investment purposes by assessment of investment impacts The decentralization will be used as an enabling environment for participatory land tenure

6 No consultation no engagement of communities in the decision making on land which impact their livelioods Local land right not recognised or ignored No legal redress, arbitration available for affected peoples Transparency, Participation in decision making Empower citizens Redress mechanisms Transparency, Participation in decision making Empower citizens Redress mechanisms Current situation Entry points Recognition of land rights can be help for a good allocated investment Communities influence decision making for land which will affect their livelihood Reliable, accessible and independent mechanisms for oversight and grievances Ideal situation How can accountability lead to change?

7 Looking forward Deepen implementation of tools within countries Ghana Community and Investor Guiding Protocols for Large Land Leasing Lease Template for Large Land Leasing Cameroon Junior lawyers Communities assessment of land availability Senegal Land audit Paralegal Local conventions for local communities

8 Thank you for your attention

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