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IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 The eGY Opportunity: Education and Outreach Emily CoBabe-Ammann eGY_Team.

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Presentation on theme: "IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 The eGY Opportunity: Education and Outreach Emily CoBabe-Ammann eGY_Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 The eGY Opportunity: Education and Outreach Emily CoBabe-Ammann eGY_Team members

2 IUGG Initiative Led by IAGA Endorsed by ICSU Marks the 50-yr anniversary of IGY eGY

3 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 IGY + 50 years New Perspectives for the Next Millennium IYPEInternational Year of Planet Earth (IUGG) IPYInternational Polar Year (NSF) IHYInternational Heliophysical Year (NASA) CAWSES Climate & Weather of the Sun-Earth System (SCOSTEP) …… ?

4 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 20th Century approach 5. 5.… finally, do some science 4. 4.Process data using mostly proprietary codes, run models… 3. 3.Ingest data into a local database… 2. 2.Get data via post, air-mail, e-mail, Web… 1. 1.Search data centers, institutions, observatories, colleagues…

5 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 The Modest Late 20th Century Improvement Centralized distribution schemes – Based on large data centers such as the World Data Centers (WDC): – –Require continuous support for the data acquisition, storage, and distribution – –Submission of data remains voluntary – –Collected data have to be suitable for submission to the “central data base”; e.g., the WDCs only accept absolute geomagnetic measurements The Pull Data Concept

6 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 Drivers of science in the 21st century Earth (Complex) System science Higher resolution – space and time Rapid response Data assimilation into models Challenges: distributed data, data release, access, sharing, community tools, discovery, preservation, rescue, … interoperability …

7 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 BORROMEAN RINGS Three interlinked circles that represent inseparable parts of the whole. Remove any one ring and the other two fall apart. Because of this property, Borromean Rings have been used as a symbol of unity in many fields. THE PHYSICS OF INFORMATION Information ingredients – content, context structure.Information ingredients – content, context structure. The ability to automatically utilize the inherent structure of information is the threshold in information management from hardcopy to digital media.The ability to automatically utilize the inherent structure of information is the threshold in information management from hardcopy to digital media. © 2005 EvREsearch LTD EvREsearch©

8 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 The 21 st Century Approach “Data Pull” Concept Distributed databases accessed through the World Wide Web portals (GRID nodes): Data Visualization Format Conversion Data Acquisition Location Discovery Data nodes are not restricted to large centers!

9 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 Climatology model for designing satellites Nowcasts/forecasts that provide situational awareness for satellite operators. Long term archives of simulated and observed data for testing scientific theory User Interface and Displays Long Term Archival Data Gateway to distributed data Climatology Models Nowcast/ Forecast Models Near Real Time Data GOES POES CISM End-to-End Models Assimilation of Extreme-Event Data Data system that meets engineering, operational, and scientific needs for: VRBO - Architecture Unleashed

10 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 The danger A4 US Letter Different standards and protocols are appropriate and useful, but certainly not in all cases!

11 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 COOPERATION

12 Moving forward from IGY 1957-1958... … to eGY 2007-2008

13 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 Vision The contribution of Geoscience to the benefit of humanity is given a forward impetus as did IGY fifty years ago. Education in the geosciences alerts the public to the excitement and life-sustaining role of our planet and its space environment.

14 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 eGY Objective Embrace and extend the IGY principles of innovation, data sharing and scientific involvement – –Promote innovative ways to better organize and access data – –International cooperation and sharing – –Global, cross-disciplinary scope – –Free, universal, open access to data – –Timely and convenient access to data – –Data preservation – –Capacity building, especially in dev. Countries – –Education and Public Outreach

15 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 Use eGY to help find out who is doing what? share experience and expertise coordinate activities reduce replication of effort promote common standards stimulate wider participation bridge the digital divide raise awareness about need for modern, professional data stewardship inspire public interest

16 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 The Importance of Science Education to the eGY Vision Why include Education in eGY? Open access to data only means something if there is a framework within which it can be understood. With much of our ground-based monitoring stations in the developing world, increasing science and technology proficiency in those countries is both a moral and practical imperative. Technological advances makes the building of virtual educational communities a real possibility.

17 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005

18 Connecting It All Together… What are the Architectural Barriers? We hope to work with the VOs to develop, through the eGY portal, a way for teachers (and the general public) to access data in a constrained and contextual way.   Each Virtual Observatory has its own structure for interfacing with the outside world – Both in terms of how users defined their requests and how products are delivered   Very few of the VOs have an interface that allows ready access for the general public (including teachers)

19 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 Connecting to the Teachers: The Real Trick!   Science context of the VOs and Models   Using the VOs and Models   Basics of Virtual Communities   Navigating the Portal   Modeling Lessons   Best Teaching Practices Teacher Training is Key for Full Value Formats will vary, depending on opportunities….

20 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 Connecting to the Teachers: Technology as a Tool   Technology is transforming how we build Virtual Education Communities   New possibilities in both synchronous and asynchronous applications are opening doors to a larger audience   Faster networks internationally are facilitating the explosion in possibilities. International Teacher Workshops will be done virtually, using trained Master Teachers and the newest technology to bring state-of-the-art science education to teachers around the world.

21 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 Connecting to the Teachers: An International Campaign 50 Pairs of Master Teachers 150 4-Hour Workshops With 20 Teachers each 3000 Science Teachers Around the World The eGY Ripple   Portal will be available in 6 languages (English, Spanish, French, Mandarin, Japanese, and Swahili) with both low- and high-bandwidth options   Although the workshops will be given in English, they will be followed up with on-line support in the supported languages from eGY Central.

22 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005

23 eGY EPO connection to IPY? Looking for ideas – in many ways, we hope to be of service to IPY education programs Coordination of the I*Y Education and Outreach programs (sharing ideas, resources, etc.) Fall AGU Session (ED08) : Global Geoscience Education and Outreach III: International Geophysical Year 2 and the International Years Abstracts Due: September 8 th

24 IPY Education and Outreach 21 July 2005 Need more information? Contact me: Emily CoBabe-Ammann 303-735-5814 eGY website:

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