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Data is accurate Chart follows good data viz practices Follows UIS brand guidelines If resubmitting, chart reflects recommended changes Submit Chart is:

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Presentation on theme: "Data is accurate Chart follows good data viz practices Follows UIS brand guidelines If resubmitting, chart reflects recommended changes Submit Chart is:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Data is accurate Chart follows good data viz practices Follows UIS brand guidelines If resubmitting, chart reflects recommended changes Submit Chart is: Publishable as is Publishable with minor changes Not yet publishable Review Chart uploaded to UIS data viz gallery Share it with your fans! Publish! How to submit a data visualization

2 Data is accurate Chart follows good data viz practices Follows UIS brand guidelines If resubmitting, chart reflects recommended changes Submit Chart is: Publishable as is Publishable with minor changes Not yet publishable Review Chart uploaded to UIS data viz gallery Share it with your fans! Publish! How to submit a data visualization Data Visualization Group Volunteers from SSAT/SIS, programme teams and communications who will guide and support you throughout the process.

3 How to submit a data visualization Send your ideas to UIS Helpdesk Helpdesk will forward your chart to the DVG The DVG will review your chart and contact you If the chart needs work, the DVG will help you to make it publishable Chart is: Publishable as is Publishable with minor changes Not yet publishable

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