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Marine Core Service MY OCEAN User Strategy & WP18 progress.

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1 Marine Core Service MY OCEAN User Strategy & WP18 progress

2 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma A user-driven service n Targeting intermediate users - service providers n Based on user requirements (URDs) -> Service definition n Aiming at user’s satisfaction n Incrementally improved based on user’s feedback -> Service evolution CORE

3 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Major Drivers n European & international policies (IMP, MSFD, CFP, WFD, UNCFCC…..); supporting EU and MS to implement them (evidence-based policy making) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- n Economic growth; Maritime “blue” economy; contribution to Innovation Europe n Knowledge based society; improved information; better services (users of the sea; safety, environment, climate, weather) n Scientific excellence; new products – new tools for new research

4 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Targeted users A. National (MS) Institutions  Public and private agencies  Service providers (incl. research)  Acting as intermediate users to economy & society B. European agencies & International organizations  EC, EEA, EMSA, HELCOM, OSPAR, UNEP/MAP, ICES, BSC, EMWF C. Private Sector  Delivering specialized services  Adding value and transforming innovation to economic growth D. International – global initiatives  GEOSS, GODAE, …

5 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Approach A. National (MS) Institutions  Major national institutes members of consortium  Providing requirements- assessment ; contributing to long term evolution  Strategic partnership with EuroGOOS during MyO2; ROOS to define regional requirements & strategy; B. European agencies & International organizations  Strategic major users of MyOcean service  Continuous dialogue for definition of requirements;  Setup of specific mechanisms for response to their needs: short term service adaptation; medium - long term evolution including R&D  Tailor-made SLAs to manage interaction (EEA, EMSA, …) C. Private Sector  Adoption of an open-free data policy  Same service to all users: equal opportunities  Proactive approach in MyO2 Outreach activities on availability / quality of products; Training activities to enhance uptake D. International – global initiatives  Contribution to GEOSS; Role in GODAE; link to GMES Africa – Arctic

6 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma The role of WP18 (Overview) n Main objective: A structured interaction with Users n Expression of intermediate user needs: Manage / update User Requirements Documents (URDs) n Provision of feedback on MyOcean service and products by: n integrating core products into existing national/European operational systems & procedures n assessing the impact of this integration n Address 2 categories of users (A-B) : n Reference Intermediate Users (RIU: 28 national agencies, plus ECMWF). Direct participation to the project. Existing experience with OO products : ready to deliver detailed requirements n EU and Intergovernmental agencies: EEA, EMSA, HELCOM, OSPAR, UNEP/MAP, ICES. Contributing to the project through “interface” partners. Participation to the Core Users Group - CUG

7 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Structure / Deliverables / Interactions n Four areas of benefit / sub-WPs: 1.Marine and Coastal Environment (HAB, eutrophication) 2.Marine Safety (oil spills, ice, operations) 3.Marine Resources (fisheries) 4.Weather / Climate n Two types of deliverables: A.URDs (with updates) B.UARs (with updates) n Interaction with:  WP17 Service Definition  WP16 Service Desk  MAC – Core Users Group

8 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma WP18 Leader HCMR Environment CEFAS National users NERI CEFAS APAT MUMM IASA-UAT MSI UL CMR MIG IFREMER IG /EU Users INGV(EEA) BSH (OSPAR) HCMR (MAP) SMHI (HELCOM) Safety OC-UCY National users OC-UCY SYKE CSIC-IMEDEA DFO OC-UCY IOLR UMT.IOI.POU CNR NIB-MBS MF MetNo FIMR IG /EU Users NERSC(EMSA) Resources IST National users IST INRH DIFRES IMR IG /EU Users IFREMER -IMR (ICES) Climate ECMWF National users CMCC MetO MF IG /EU Users ECMWF (EUROSIP) Management HCMR Management of URDs & Assessment Reports Starlab BC HCMR Management of Core Users Group HCMR SMHI Organisation Breakdown Structure and Partnership 35 Partners, 28 national systems

9 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Activities / Achievements of Year2 n Assessment and feedback through UAR n Transition V0 – V1: beta testers – feedback –Adaptation of RIU systems n Updated URD n Support of major accounts (e.g. EEA Waterwatch & EoE, EMSA technical req. for CleanSeaNet, OSPAR QSR 2010) n Contribution to MyOcean user activities (Workshop, Survey, Communication) n 2 nd CUG meeting

10 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma UAR results (Yr1+Yr2 draft) n Need for higher temporal and spatial resolution products for most applications (ice, oil drift forecasts, coastal applications, fisheries) n Request for longer hindcasts & reanalysis n New products for catalogue: atmospheric forcing fields; waves; eddy viscosity n Inclusion of value added products (e.g. fronts detection) should be explored n Better documentation on products (data source, quality etc) and service (e.g. download instructions) n Explore various delivery mechanisms (ftp push), aggregation etc; problems with large data files n Good response by service desk; slower response by PU / service definition n Registration process has improved but can be even better n Web portal needs to be redesigned; become simpler; user friendly; also for catalogue – products discovery n Positive impact on performance of national systems; added value for EU agencies Products Service

11 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma URD update

12 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Major accounts: EEA Arctic Sea Ice indicator: Produced at the Norwegian and Danish Meteorological Institutes, delivered through MyOcean SPC product Mean Sea Level Trend indicator: Produced by MyOcean Sea Level TAC – used by EEA as Indicator and included into SOER 2010

13 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma EMSA n Technical details for service have been resolved during yr2 n Review meeting MyO and EMSA 05.2011 – Work on Service Level Agreement n Feedback from CSN operational user community in June 2011 and in December 2011 n Explore potential of MyOcean data in IMDatE at EMSA for new user communities (2012)

14 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Regional conventions, OSPAR

15 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Core Users Group #Organization 1HCMR/WP18WP18 Coordinator 2EEAEuropean Agency 3EMSAEuropean Agency 4HELCOMIG Agency 5OSPARIG Agency 6UNEP/MAPIG Agency 7Black Sea ComIG Agency 8ICESIG Agency 9ECMWFEuropean Agency 10MetONational Met Service 11MFNational Met Service 1212MetNoNational Met Service 13BSHNational Hyd Service 1414CEFASWP18.2 Coordinator 1515OC-UCYWP18.3 Coordinator 1616ISTWP18.4 Coordinator 1717IMINational System 1818FIELD_ACDownstream project 1919AQUAMARDownstream project

16 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma 2 nd CUG meeting (April 2011) draft comments & recommendations n Quality of products to be more visible; need to open the scientific assessment reports (e.g. of MFC – TAC) to users n Accessibility to service to be improved (Web interface, registration) – more user friendly; more visualization products n Sustainability of service of major concern; GMES to seek for commitments a.s.a.p. n Reliability – robustness of service is recognized n Work closer with downstream service providers; common outreach & training activities; more clear boundaries between services n Need for higher temporal and spatial resolution products to initialize & force national systems (downscaling, ice+oil drift applications, ). Solve the wind & waves products issue. Need for long timescale products (re-analysis, …) n Response to emergencies; possibly not a MCS issue but need to be addressed

17 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Final Remarks n Interaction between MyOcean & Users: –Continuous process –Realized through different mechanisms (CUG, direct contribution to project, user fora, service desk – WP18 / 17 / 16) –To be intensified through outreach & training activities planed after 2011 –A learning exercise for both sides; mutual benefit –Of strategic importance for evolution & long term sustainability of the GMES Marine Service

18 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Examples of WP18 National systems / applications

19 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma ISPRA: MyO products for coastal applications Issues: Difficulties to extract “point information” from 3D fields Need for longer data sets & reanalysis Brine discharges Harbor studies (Pescara)

20 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Ship routing - Marine operations Sustainable Fisheries Search and Rescue Coastal environment assesments Support to security operations CNR OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY SERVICES Oil-Spill emergencies AREA1 MARINE SAFETY AREA 2 AREA 3

21 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Sub-regional services in Latvia Issues: Baltic products are of low resolution (horizontal, vertical) Wind and Wave products are needed

22 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma BSH: use of MyO products Modell validation 04/21/2011 (SST_BAL_SST_L4_NRT_OBSERVATIONS_010_007_b ) Forecast ObservationValidation Download of data still via ftp „Valid“ NetCDF format different Better presentation of products, more maps, figures, diagrams etc.

23 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Sea Surface Temperature on 28/09/2010, noon Resolution: ~7km Resolution: ~5km Resolution: 50-750 m Services for Belgium coast Issues: not all products of same quality (BC)

24 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Subregional services in Estonia Remote sensing products have been smoothed for 2-4 km depending on the product, which reduces the identification of small scale features The main disadvantage of using MyOcean model product is low vertical resolution, 5 vertical layers only.

25 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Case 4: Assessments of water quality Task description: annual assessment of phytoplankton biomass in UK waters Use of MyO products by CEFAS/ UK

26 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma South Eastern Levantine Israeli Prediction System (SELIPS) SELIPS provide daily high resolution 4 day forecast of temperature, salinity, current and sea level elevation for the southeastern corner of the Levantine basin.

27 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Coastal applications in Slovenia Wave breaking, 50 m depth No wave breaking

28 Marine Core Service MyOcean : Second Annual Meeting / 27-28 April 2011 / Roma Biogeochemical and filter feeder’s growth models. Portugal: Fisheries & mariculture PFZ PREDICTION MERCATOR SOLUTION FISHING TRIP DATA REMOTE SENSING BIO-GEO- CHEMICAL SOLUTION LOCAL HYDRODYNAMICAL SOLUTION Potential fishing zones

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