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ScholarSpace & Open UH Mānoa March 2013 Beth Tillinghast Web Support Librarian ScholarSpace & eVols Project Manager UHM Library.

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Presentation on theme: "ScholarSpace & Open UH Mānoa March 2013 Beth Tillinghast Web Support Librarian ScholarSpace & eVols Project Manager UHM Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 ScholarSpace & Open Access@ UH Mānoa March 2013 Beth Tillinghast Web Support Librarian ScholarSpace & eVols Project Manager UHM Library

2 What is an Institutional Repository? A system that provides a home for the research output created at a university preprints and articles technical reports and bulletins e-theses and dissertations conference papers datasets A database system to store, search, and retrieve digital objects images text audio & video learning objects

3 What can an IR help you do? Long-term storage Helps to prevent the loss of digital material Persistent network identifiers Consistency checks for files Preservation of certain file formats Recapture an institution’s intellectual content from commercial publishers Provide local control of this content

4 Organizational Purpose Increase both the speed of delivery and the impact of faculty research Showcase the University’s research output Centralized system to house digitized collections Manage our institution’s “grey literature”, such as technical reports Provide Open Access

5 Open Access Literature that is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright restrictions 1 Supports and values peer review Removes access barriers immediately at time of publication and in full-text format Utilizes Creative Commons licenses

6 Factors Contributing to Open Access Scholarly Communication Crisis 1. Serial-subscription costs 2. Restrictive licensing terms Issues with limiting access 1. Lower visibility 2. Loss of research impact 3. Lower returns on investment for the institution and research funding agencies Wide-spread use of Internet and availability of technology Sources supporting research

7 Open Access Policy Federal Policies Institutional Policies UHM Policy

8 Repository Adoption Levels 2005 : IRs at 40% universities ; 6% colleges 2. 2009 : Over 90% of universities & colleges have IRs 3. Major players DSpace and Fedora ------now DuraSpace E-prints

9 DSpace Open source software, freely available 4 Capture digital content in any format (text, video, audio, and data) Indexes materials, users can search and retrieve content Distributes content over the Internet Preserves digital work over the long term

10 DSpace Community

11 DSpace Improvements Versioning Need for a collaborative work area More granularity for creation of reports Better stats reporting function More training opportunities

12 ScholarSpace at UH M ā noa Start with UH Manoa in 2007 Current communities of interest : Open access online journals Departmental publications Research output of University Centers E-theses and dissertations Special projects -Working with funding agencies -Data Sets -Student Work

13 Why should YOU submit your work? Your research can be of help to other researchers. You will be supporting Open Access and taking part in a new way of publishing. You will will be published, which always looks good on a resume!!

14 Sources [1] Open Access Overview [2] Lynch, C. A., Lippincott, J. K. Institutional Repository Deployment in the United States as of Early 2005. D-Lib Magazine, Vol 11 (2005). [3} Chen, K. and Hsiang, J. (2009). “The unique approach to institutional repository: Practice of National Taiwan University”, The Electronic Library, Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 204-221. [4] DSpace home page. [5] MacKenzie, Smith. MIT. Presented at Forum on Preservation of e-Learning Materials and Cost Models for Digital Preservation, 2002. Oct2002.pdf Oct2002.pdf

15 Thank you! Let’s visit ScholarSpace. Questions??ScholarSpace

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