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The American President. White House Staff AJ Machinerney (Martin Sheen) – Chief of Staff Lewis Rothchild (Michael J Fox) Robin R McCall Leon Kodak Mrs.

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Presentation on theme: "The American President. White House Staff AJ Machinerney (Martin Sheen) – Chief of Staff Lewis Rothchild (Michael J Fox) Robin R McCall Leon Kodak Mrs."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American President

2 White House Staff AJ Machinerney (Martin Sheen) – Chief of Staff Lewis Rothchild (Michael J Fox) Robin R McCall Leon Kodak Mrs. Chapil Josh Bolton - Chief of Staff Dan Bartlett – Counselor to the President Dana Perino (recently replaced Tony Snow) – Press Secretary

3 Political Issues Character Gun Control Global Warming ACLU Flag Burning Family Values

4 Terms and Processes Job Approval Ratings / Polling Lobbying Political Strategists Executive Order State of the Union Legislative Liaison coattails

5 What was this movie really about? Get the girl A wish list of liberals in the 90’s An alternative to the criticisms of Bill Clinton The demonization of a conservative republican Gingrich type candidate

6 Ideology A coherent and consistent set of beliefs about who ought to rule, what principles rulers ought to obey, and what policies rulers ought to pursue Pure liberals (both economic and personal conduct – Want government to reduce economic inequality – Regulate business – Tax the rich heavily – Cure the economic causes of crime

7 – Allow abortions – Protect the rights of the accused – Guarantee the broadest possible freedoms of speech and press

8 Pure Conservatives - People who are conservative on economic and conduct issues – Want government to cut back on the welfare state – Allow the market to allocate goods and services – Keep taxes low – Lock up criminals and curb forms of conduct they regard as anti-social

9 Interesting Quotes Politics is perception Politics is about choosing / prioritizing The American people have a funny way about deciding what is their business We gotta fight the fights we can win It is one of those moments

10 Interesting Thoughts Politicians spend to much time running for office and not enough time governing Military experience a plus or minus? What is presidential? Influence of the media and or media types in politics What constitutes leadership?

11 Questions Should the government provide more services even if it means government has to increase spending? Should government guarantee every person has a job and a good standard of living? Do you favor universal or government insurance health plan to cover medical and hospital expenses for everyone? Should government spend less on defense?

12 Should the U.S. allow abortion as a matter of personal choice? Should homosexuals be allowed to serve in the military? Or marry?

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