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Control  Control – use the word “control”, but also indicated several variables that are being held constant.  Ex – plants of the same species, from.

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Presentation on theme: "Control  Control – use the word “control”, but also indicated several variables that are being held constant.  Ex – plants of the same species, from."— Presentation transcript:

1 Control  Control – use the word “control”, but also indicated several variables that are being held constant.  Ex – plants of the same species, from the same seed source, grown in the same soil and under the same conditions.  Be sure to indicate “which treatment” is serving as the control.

2 Hypothesis  Hypothesis – Say the word “hypothesis” and write in the “If….then…” format.  Be clear about your independent variable and your dependent variable. (use the worksheet from lab)  Example – The hypothesis for this experiment is if higher light allows more photosynthesis, then the plants with the most light should have the most mass.

3 Manipulation of the Variable  Tell how the experiment is manipulated (i.e. what are your treatments). Give a full range of the treatment if possible to avoid the “Three Bears Syndrome” (one too hot, one too cold, one just right)  Ex – The plants will be grown in five treatments of differing temperatures from O o to 40 o in 10 degree intervals.

4 Measurements  Indicate to the reader what is being measured. Use quantitative measurements rather than qualitative.  Tell when then measurements will be taken.  Ex – The mass of the plants will be taken in grams at the beginning and end of the experiment.

5 Verification  Use a large sample size (i.e. the “rule of 10X) or show that the experiment will be repeated several times.  Ex – There will be 10 plants in each treatment and control group.

6 Expected Results  Tell the reader what you expect the results of the experiment to be and explain why.  Ex - The expected results of the experiment is that the plants with more light will have more photosynthesis, therefore, they should have more biomass.

7 Additional Comments  Be sure to give the reader sufficient background on how the method works.  Use metric units.  Write clearly and with details.  Go back and make sure you actually answered the task.

8 Essay Exam Scoring – in general  Gain points for correct statements.  No point deduction for wrong answers.  Answers must be in sentences, not in outline or bullet form.

9 Essay Exam Scoring  Drawings permitted, but must be explained.  Drawings will only count for part of the question’s credit.

10 Writing Tips  Read the question carefully!

11 Writing Tips  Give details and specific examples.  If question is in parts, (long essays) write the answer in parts.  Plan your time and answer order.

12 Writing Tips  Don’t assume the reader will “know” what you mean. Give definitions to all terms.  WRITE, but write answers that are information dense.

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