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Journal Many people suggest that in order to preserve our natural resources, rationing should be reintroduced. For example: each person would be allowed.

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Presentation on theme: "Journal Many people suggest that in order to preserve our natural resources, rationing should be reintroduced. For example: each person would be allowed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journal Many people suggest that in order to preserve our natural resources, rationing should be reintroduced. For example: each person would be allowed 10 gallons of gasoline per week. What are the pros and cons of such an extreme ration? 3 Sentences and date

2 Chapter 20 Section 1 Global Demand for Resources

3 I. Global Population Issue A.In 1800s people felt that population would grow faster than the ability of the earth to feed people 1.Creating poverty in large cities B.Wrong? 1.Increased productivity 2.Fewer children

4 II. Nonrenewable Energy Resources A.Cannot be replenished once they are used 1. Oil- was so inexpensive, now very dependent on oil 2. Natural Gas- 25% of energy consumption 3. Coal- last only about 200 years 4. Nuclear Energy- expensive, toxic waste, fail?

5 III. Renewable Energy Resources A.Can be replenished 1. Hydroelectric Power- water (dams, waterfalls) 2. Biomass- energy from wood, straw, corn, landfill gasses, fish oils & other wastes (Ethanol) 3. Solar- sun power 4. Wind Power- California, Texas, Minnesota, Vermont, Hawaii & Iowa

6 International Economics

7 I. TradeA.Nations trade to improve their standard of living B.Voluntary exchange of good, both parties need to benefit from trade C.Allows nations to specialize in certain items D.Nations can go beyond their production possibilities curve

8 Comparative Advantage Measured in output over a period of time –Tons per acre, miles per gallon, apples per tree Or Measured by the amount of inputs necessary to do an activity –Hours to do a job, number of acres to feed a horse

9 Chapter 20 Section 2

10 I. The Price System A.Price contributes to whether scarce resources are conserved B.Other resources prices soared during the oil embargo C.Increase/decrease in input price = increase/decrease in purchase price Why might a country choose to regulate the price of energy sources?

11 II. Pollution & Economic Incentives A.Decrease pollution through regulations or incentives B.Other ways include taxing according to the amount of pollutants they release C.EPA supplies permits for certain pollutants that will become more scarce and more expensive over time

12 Chapter 20 Section 3

13 I. Framework for Decision Making A.Economic Decision Making process: 1.State the problem 2.Determine the goal to be obtained 3.Consider alternatives 4.Choose an economic concept & use it to evaluate the alternatives 5.Decide which alternative leads to the achievement of the goal B.Cost-benefit- compare the opportunity & monetary cost/benefits

14 II. Coping with the Future A.Modified free enterprise economy- a free enterprise economy with some government involvement 1. Allows buyers & sellers to freely make the decisions that satisfy their wants & needs B.U.S. is now a free-market economy based on capitalism, yet modified to satisfy social needs

15 Imbalance of Payments Balance of Payments- record of foreign transactions Accounts: –Current- goods, services, income and current transfers are recorded –Capital- physical assets such as a building or a factory are recorded (also includes financial assets i.e. stocks/bonds!) –Official Reserves: controlled by the government Transaction: –Debit- transaction uses foreign currency –Credit- transaction earns foreign currency

16 Capital or Current item?




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