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WorldCat Local: Advanced Searching Jon Scott Steve Borrelli.

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Presentation on theme: "WorldCat Local: Advanced Searching Jon Scott Steve Borrelli."— Presentation transcript:

1 WorldCat Local: Advanced Searching Jon Scott Steve Borrelli

2 Advanced Searching Defined: Disambiguation – URIs – Identities – Item Record Subject: Predicate: Object Person.Mick Jagger : memberOf : Group.Rolling Stones Bodypart.Lips : memberOf : Person.Mick Jagger A CB

3 Patron : lookingFor : Information Scenario: While working the reference desk a patron says: A friend of mine told me about this great book by Vonn something or other, it was about a siren. Do you have it? Search: vonnsire

4 Patron : SeekingMovie : with Joe Piscopo acting in it Scenario: Patron approaches the desk looking for a movie staring Joe Piscopo. Search: au:piscopo dt:vis Scenario: more information, also starring Michael Keaton Search: au:piscopo dt:vis au:keaton

5 Researcher : LookingFor : Cheesemaking Provenance Scenario: Faculty member is conducting research on cheesemaking in the early 20 th century Search: cheesemaking yr:1900..1945 Scenario Refined: interested in Wisconsin Search: cheesemaking yr:1900..1945 gc:Wisconsin

6 Family member : ISO : Confirmation of family home Scenario: Patron researching family history, trying to determine location of family home in 1890s Search: map Seattle yr:1890..1900 Refined Scenario: viewable online Search: map Seattle yr:1890..1900 dt:url Refined Scenario: available in print at WSU Search: map Seattle yr:1890..1900 dt:url cs:nte

7 Student : Interested in : Impact of Star Wars on Popular Culture Scenario: Student is writing a paper of the influence of the Star Wars films on popular culture by looking at the prevalence of star wars characters appearing in non-Star Wars video games. Search: "Star Wars" mt:cgm -ti:"Star Wars"

8 Presenter : LookingFor : a general idea of when FRBR became hip Scenario: Colleague at work is frustrated trying to determine when publications about the FRBRization process became prevelant Search: FRBR  select “show more…” within the year facet That’s so 2005 … questions?

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