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Overview of the Massachusetts Farm Energy Program (MFEP) SWCS-NEC 2010 Winter Conference Auburn, MA February 18, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Massachusetts Farm Energy Program (MFEP) SWCS-NEC 2010 Winter Conference Auburn, MA February 18, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Massachusetts Farm Energy Program (MFEP) SWCS-NEC 2010 Winter Conference Auburn, MA February 18, 2010

2 MA Renewable Energy Trust (MRET)/Clean Energy Center EOEEA MA Division of Energy Resources USDA-Rural Development MA Woodlands Institute Massachusetts Farm Bureau NSTAR National GRID Western Mass Electric Co. (WMECO) Cape Light Compact Unitil (Fitchburg Gas & Electric) MA Municipal Wholesale Electric Co. (MMWEC) Bay State Gas Berkshire Gas USDA-Farm Service Agency

3 Objectives & Goals of MFEP conservation efficiency renewable energy (100 audits, 50% implementation, 1 Million kWh savings)increase on-farm energy conservation & efficiency promote renewable energy strategies for on-farm energy generation (100 audits, 50% implementation, 1 Million kWh savings) greenhouse gas emissions (500 metric tons or 20%)reduce ag greenhouse gas emissions (500 metric tons or 20%) farm viability (annual savings of $1500/farm)improve farm viability (annual savings of $1500/farm)

4 The MFEP 2008 pilot to establish a statewide farm energy program $250,000 MDAR + $150,000 NRCS + $100,000+ in-kind clearinghouseclearinghouse for farm energy assistance energy auditsrenewable energy assessmentsenergy audits and renewable energy assessments financial incentivesfinancial incentives for implementation of audit & renewable energy recommendations leverageleverage other funding programs best management practicesdevelop best management practices for farm energy systems

5 MFEP Technical Assistance 1) Do a phone intake or questionnaire on web farm information, energy use, projects implemented to date, project ideas, identify issues 2) Screen for eligibility for MA energy programs 3) Identify next steps, provide referrals, and scope of work for MFEP audit if applicable. 4) Reference MFEP website for additional info.

6 MFEP Technical Assistance Massachusetts Farm Discount ProgramMassachusetts Farm Discount Program Public utility conservation programsPublic utility conservation programs MA Farm Energy Program servicesMA Farm Energy Program services MRET & MA Clean Energy Center programsMRET & MA Clean Energy Center programs USDA-Rural Energy for America Program (RD)USDA-Rural Energy for America Program (RD) USDA-Environmental Quality Incentives Program (NRCS)USDA-Environmental Quality Incentives Program (NRCS) USDA-Biomass Crop Assistance ProgramUSDA-Biomass Crop Assistance Program MA-DAR Energy Grants (AEEP, etc.)MA-DAR Energy Grants (AEEP, etc.) ARRA (MA-DOER)ARRA (MA-DOER) Business Investment Tax CreditBusiness Investment Tax Credit

7 MFEP Audits & Incentives Referral to public utilityReferral to public utility for free electric assessment MFEP Audit of other fuelsMFEP Audit of other fuels, consultations, RE assessments: MFEP pays 75%, Farmer 25% “Targeted” scope of work & price negotiated“Targeted” scope of work & price negotiated with MFEP consultants Offer MFEP Incentives to encourage 50% implementationOffer MFEP Incentives based on energy savings & payback of 8 years or less (including other incentives), to encourage 50% implementation $0.15 per kWh $2.50 per therm gas $2.75 per gallon propane $3.00 per gallon fuel oil $250 per cord wood MFEP audit report and TA to “leverage” additional fundsto encourage 50% implementationMFEP audit report and TA to “leverage” additional funds to encourage 50% implementation

8 2010 MFEP Grant Writing Services for REAP Projects that primarily reduce or replace farm energy, including forest products Priority given to applicants: applying for “grants <=$20,000” (projects <=$80,000) who qualify as an “agricultural producer” (greater than 50% income from agriculture) Energy Assessment, Audit, or Renewable Energy Assessment needed before applicationallow 3 monthsEnergy Assessment, Audit, or Renewable Energy Assessment needed before application – allow 3 months 3 hour GW session: MFEP provides technical support, MWI provides GW, RD determines eligibility of applicant Apply on-line or via phone intake

9 MFEP Assistance for Leveraging $$ 2008 7 REAP applications submitted, 7 funded 2009 13 REAP applications submitted, 8 funded 18 EQIP referrals, 8 awarded 19 MDAR AgEnergy Grant referrals, 8 funded greenhouse thermal screens & HAF reverse osmosis, additional membranes Plate coolers, variable speed drives, pumps, motors High efficiency heating Lighting, insulation PV, WIND, biofuels, biomass

10 WMECO & MFEP Incentives & AEEP + EQIP & MRET

11 Reverse Osmosis – 20 cords wood saved annually

12 Thermal screens -18,000 gal. oil saved annually


14 Contacts for the Massachusetts Farm Energy Program Phone 413.256.1607 Fax 413.253.5542 Jess Cook, Program Manager Darlene Monds, Coordinator, USDA/NRCS Ann Gibson, Program Assistant Gerry Palano, Renewable Energy Coordinator, MDAR 617.626.1706

15 One Year for MFEP Equals ……One Year for MFEP Equals ……

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