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Having A Spiritual Family

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2 Having A Spiritual Family
GOD Family Neighbors School Church Work Interests Colossians 1:

3 Having A Spiritual Family
Setting priorities has been a challenge for every family. Everything wants to be the center of attention. To get your family to be spiritual, understand that God is not just another priority. He is THE priority.

4 GOD Family Neighbors School Church Work Interests

5 What Are Parents Going To Do?
There is no magic formula that will guarantee a spiritual family, we can influence choices… A spiritual family needs spiritual values, spiritual goals, spiritual attitudes, and spiritual conduct…

6 What Are Parents Going To Do?
Reflection: What are one or two things your own family needs to strengthen so that God can better use your family for His purposes?

7 Parents Must BE Spiritually Minded.
Galatians 5:16-26 Parents need to be spiritually illustrated… Are your decisions like Lot’s or like Abraham’s?

8 Parents Must BE Spiritually Minded.
Children are not looking for perfection in parents, but they expect sincerity in pursuit of perfection (2 Tim 1:7) Decide early what you believe in order to foster spirituality in your child (Phil 2:12)

9 Parents Must Purpose Spirituality
Have a purpose like Hannah (1 Sam 1:11) Have a purpose like Joshua (Josh 24:15) Become a God-oriented parent,not a problem-oriented parent (Eph 6:4)

10 Parents Must Purpose Spirituality
Do not start something you will have to stop later Lay the same foundation Paul designed for Timothy (1 Tim 1:5) Reflection: Name three things a person would understand about God and His ways by staying with your family for a week?

11 Parents Must Train for Spirituality.
Allow yourself to be taught Teach your child (Matt 13:1-23) Train them diligently (Deut 6:6-9)  Be a worshipper (Ex 10:9; 12: Deut 31:12,13)

12 Parents Must Train for Spirituality.
Train your family by praising and complimenting spiritual improvement (Matt 17:5; 25:21) Train your family to really understand God’s word and its relevance today Train your family to know the value of good (Phil 4:8).

13 Parents Must Train for Spirituality.
Use teachable moments Help them see and understand the consequences of sinful action (Heb 3:12,13; Gal 6:7,8)

14 Parents Must Train for Spirituality.
The goal in having a spiritual family is that you want to see your child grow to respond to God, not to you…


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