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6.8 Order of Operations The student will evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using order of operations.

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Presentation on theme: "6.8 Order of Operations The student will evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using order of operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 6.8 Order of Operations The student will evaluate whole number numerical expressions, using order of operations

2 Anticipatory The Order of Operations Song and Intro jams/jams/math/algebra/aorder-of- operations.htm jams/jams/math/algebra/aorder-of- operations.htm

3 Pg. 6.8 Foldable goes here! 6.8 Pg. Expression A mathematical phrase that contains operations, numbers, and/or variables. Operation -The math processes used to solve an expression. (+, -, x, ÷) Order of operations - The rules to follow when more than one operation is used in a numerical expression. PEMDAS - Mnemonic used when solving an expression. (Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally ) - P arenthesis - E xponents - M ultiplication/ D ivision-whichever comes first -A ddition/ S ubtraction-whichever comes first -Go down the list and complete the first operation you see. If you don’t see that operation, move to the next operation on the list. Example: 2 + (7 x 2) - 3 + 6 2 ÷ 4 x 2 P 2 + 14 - 3 + 6 2 ÷ 4 x 2 E 2 + 14 - 3 + 36 ÷ 4 x 2 MD 2 + 14 - 3 + 18 AS 31

4 Order of Operations Foldable Directions Front Inside Order of Operations P arenthesis ( ) E xponents M ultiplication, *, x D ivision ÷, / Left to right A ddition Subtraction Left to right yxyx Example: (44 + 20) ÷ -7 + 4 5 Complete all operations inside grouping symbols 64 ÷ -7 + 4 5 Evaluate exponents next 64 ÷ 8 -7 + 4 5 Complete all, *, x, and ÷, / from left to right First come first serve 8-7 + 4 5 8-7 + 20 Complete all + and - from left to right- First come first serve 1 + 20 21 is the answer! 2323 2323

5 Let’s Practice! 4 2 + 3 x 2 + (8- 2 2 ) ÷ 2

6 Let’s Practice! (3 x 2) + 10- 2 2 ÷ 4

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