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Evaluate expressions by using order of operations.

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluate expressions by using order of operations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluate expressions by using order of operations.

2  A variable is a placeholder in a math expression, shown as a letter  Ex: let a = age  Any letter can be used as a variable

3  A math phrase that contains at least one variable  Ex: a+7  Ex: 3x – 2 + 4y

4  You will need to translate words into mathematical operations.  What are some words or phrases for:  AdditionSubtraction  MultiplicationDivision

5  The product of 9 and b,  26 less than 12  The quotient of 6 and 3  6 more than twice the points  Five times the quantity 4 plus a number

6  Replace variables with values  Use order of operations to simplify  Ex: q + r – 15 if q = 21 and r = 18  21 + 18 -15  39 – 15  24


8  Odds p.59 #13-31

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