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Geometry Horace, Stephen, Jon. Grade  You are in high school anywhere from 9 th to 12 th grade depending on when you take geometry.  Net Standard: Make.

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Presentation on theme: "Geometry Horace, Stephen, Jon. Grade  You are in high school anywhere from 9 th to 12 th grade depending on when you take geometry.  Net Standard: Make."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geometry Horace, Stephen, Jon

2 Grade  You are in high school anywhere from 9 th to 12 th grade depending on when you take geometry.  Net Standard: Make formal geometric constructions with a variety of tools and methods (compass and straightedge, string, reflective devices, paper folding, dynamic geometric software, etc.). Copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a segment; bisecting an angle; constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line.

3 Class today  Introduction to Geometry  4 stations  Jeopardy

4 Expectations  Making formal geometric constructions using various tools  Copying Segments, bisecting segments  Copying Angles, bisecting angles  Perpendicular lines  Parallel lines  Reflections

5 Tools  Geometric Games/ Software  2d nets of 3d shapes  Compass and Straightedge (Smartboard)

6 Station 1  Geometric Software/ Games 8_g_4_t_3.html?open=activities&from=cate gory_g_4_t_3.html bin/games/geomatho

7 Station 2  Copy Segments  Bisecting Segments

8 Station 3  2d nets to make 3d shapes You will use 2d nets such as the one below to create 3d objects.

9 Station 4  Copying Angles  Bisecting Angles

10 Terminology  Parallel- Being an equal distance apart everywhere. Never Intersect.  Perpendicular- At an angle of 90 degrees to a given line, plane or surface  Bisect- To divide into 2 equal parts  Reflection- A transformation in which the figure is a mirror image of its original form.  Vertex- The point at which two lines meet to create an angle

11 Bisecting a segment  Using a compass draw arch at approximately two thirds the lines length  Without changing the angle of the compass draw an arch on the other side of the line  Use a straightedge to connect the two intersections.  eGmWPgE eGmWPgE

12 Copying a segment  Begin by drawing a line or ray that it larger then the segment you are trying to copy.  Using your compass measure the length of your segment.  Place your compass on the ray and draw an arch. This is now your copied version of your segment.  pg pg

13 Copying an Angle  Begin by drawing a ray that is larger then the length of your original angle line.  Draw an arch between the angle you a trying to copy. (Length does not matter)  Copy that arch onto your ray using the same angle on your compass.  Measure the distance between the two intersections of the arch.  Copy this measurement onto the ray  Using a straightedge draw a line through the endpoint of the ray and the intersection of the two arches. 

14 Bisecting an Angle  Place the compass point on the angles vertex  At any convenient length of the compass, draw a arch that crosses both lines  Using each of the archs intersection with the lines, draw two arches through the middle of the angle  Using a straightedge draw a line from the vertex to the intersection of the two arches In the middle of your angle.

15 Groups  We will now count of into groups of 4  Group 1 please go to the front left of the room  Group 2 please go to the back left of the room  Group 3 please go to the front right of the room  Group 4 please go to the back right of the room  When Stations are complete please stay where your at in order to play Jeopardy.


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