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English Program Abington Heights High School. English The secondary English program at Abington Heights provides students with a sound foundation in the.

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1 English Program Abington Heights High School

2 English The secondary English program at Abington Heights provides students with a sound foundation in the study of language, composition, and literature for students at all levels. All required English courses are one- year long and equal to one credit.

3 Courses are offered on three levels: AP —for recommended students from English III, Honors Honors —for recommended students who have demonstrated superior ability and performance Level 2 —for recommended students who plan to continue their education or go into the workplace after high school Level 3 —for selected students by special recommendation only

4 English, IV AP Prerequisite— English III, Honors By teacher recommendation only Follows the curriculum requirements of College Board

5 Honors Students recommended for honors level English are required to complete a summer reading list which will be sent to parents at the end of the student’s eighth grade year.

6 Level 2 Most Abington Heights students will be recommended for this level. Students in this level will study literature, grammar, composition, and vocabulary.

7 Level 3 Admission to this course is by teacher recommendation only. Students recommended for this course may be required to complete a reading elective.

8 Supplementary English Electives Dramatics —a monolog course requiring memory work, text analysis, and performance Acting —a scene course requiring memory work, text analysis, and performance, including improvisational techniques

9 Supplementary English Electives Oral Communication —a speech class covering the basics of speech requiring students to compose and deliver a variety of speeches Public Speaking —a speech class requiring students to develop and deliver a variety of speeches on controversial topics

10 Writer’s Center Students may use their study halls to go to the Writer’s Center for help with any writing task. The Writer’s Center is staffed by an English teacher every period of the day.

11 Extracurricular Activities The English Department encourages students to participate in a variety of clubs designed to help students to develop their communication skills.

12 Extracurricular Activities Mock Trial Competition Speech and Debate Drama Club Yearbook Literary Magazine Literature in the Media School Newspaper

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