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The Technology Fairy Meets the Old English Teacher Or how to use Rubrics with unfamiliar technology in online classes…

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Presentation on theme: "The Technology Fairy Meets the Old English Teacher Or how to use Rubrics with unfamiliar technology in online classes…"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Technology Fairy Meets the Old English Teacher Or how to use Rubrics with unfamiliar technology in online classes…

2 The Old English Teacher Course information guide requires students to have paper, notebook, and book for all meetings and warns about referals for using cell phones or other electronic devices. Has students complete a journal, read a story, and answer questions from the text. Students may complete an activity before the test or essay over the material.

3 Online Teaching Requires innovation Requires thought about how to engage students in High order thinking skills Book work doesn’t translate well Assessment is different because assignments are different

4 Rubrics Have to have HOTS Must have descriptors for each expectation Shouldn’t be overused Examples of sites:, Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy -

5 Assessing New Technologies with Rubrics Increased teacher comfort with new technology use Clear student understanding of expectations Stretching student and teacher Differentiation for individual student learning Traditional classroom uses

6 Twitter Alternative to online discussion postings Posting can happen anywhere Familiar to students Real time Ideal for an asynchronous environment

7 Twitter Rubric Addresses content, frequency, hyperlinks, mechanics, and comments/contributions Content Exemplary: Original tweets consistently provide new resources or ideas that add value to the discussion. Proficient: Most original tweets provide new resources or ideas that add value to the discussion. Partially Proficient: A few original tweets provide new resources or ideas that add value to the discussion. Unsatisfactory: Original tweets do not provide any new resources or ideas, and add no value to the discussion.

8 Comic Strip Use to demonstrate comprehension Extend understanding Good for visual learners if used by teacher Many choices,,

9 Comic Strip Rubric

10 Podcasts Assess speech skills Increase students multimedia skills Teacher examples May choices for sites to use Can be alternative to a formal essay Sites:,,,, googledocs,, garageband, cell phones, ipads, etc.

11 Examples of the Transformation Teacher lecture/powerpoint Convert into more visual and interactive Demonstrate the rubric in use and an A example for students. Before and after possibilities

12 Closing

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