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Published byCory Elliott Modified over 9 years ago
T HE D IFFERENT F ORMS OF G OVERNMENT IN THE M IDDLE E AST SS7CG5: The student will explain the structures of the national governments of SW Asia.
I SRAEL Let’s think about WW II…. In the Holocaust, Adolf Hitler lead a genocide (or extermination based only on race/ethnicity) against the Jews. The Jews were forced out of Germany, and were put in concentration camps, or even or killed.
I SRAEL After WWII, Jews did not want to return to their homes ….. for many reasons- they were forced out of their own country and would you want to return to you’re a place where you were not wanted and where you saw friends and family die? So, the United Nations set aside (partitioned) the area of Palestine into Arab and Jewish States. The Jewish state was called Israel. This was because Jerusalem was located in this area, which is the Jewish holy city.
P ARLIAMENTARY D EMOCRACY OF I SRAEL Although Israel has not been a country for long, it has managed to maintain an effective government. unitary central government in Jerusalem Israel has a unitary system of government, because the central government in Jerusalem handles most government functions. parliamentary democracy Although this is a unitary government, it is also a parliamentary democracy because citizens have participation in the government and personal rights and freedoms.
P ARLIAMENTARY D EMOCRACY OF I SRAEL the president Israeli chief of state= the president. The president has very little power. Prime Minister. Head of the government= Prime Minister. Knesset There are 120 seats in the Knesset, the legislative branch. Legislative=makes the laws Supreme Court =head of the judicial branch
C ITIZEN P ARTICIPATION IN I SRAEL Both men and women can vote at age 18. Israel relies on a system of basic laws and rights, but there is no official, written constitution. (although there have been efforts to create one!) Better than average record on personal freedoms
A REAS FOR I MPROVEMENT WITHIN THE I SRAELI G OVERNMENT Discrimination on all levels against Arab-Israelis Discrimination and domestic violence against women Unequal education opportunities for Arabs and Israelis
S EPARATION OF CHURCH & S TATE The U.S. has laws created by the Constitution that separate church and state. That means that the church cannot run the government and the government cannot run the church. This separation was put in the Constitution by our forefathers to protect all citizens’ rights to worship how they want. In some countries, however, religion plays a very large part in the government.
T HEOCRACY A government that is based on a religion is called a theocracy. based on religious beliefs. In a theocracy, laws and constitutions are created based on religious beliefs. The leaders in a theocracy are usually religious leaders in the community. leader is led by God The citizens often believe that their leader is led by God, or a higher power, to make rules and decisions for their country. Today, only a few countries still practice theocracy…. IRAN. ……..including IRAN.
T HE G OVERNMENT OF I RAN : T HEOCRACY Islam The government of Iran is a theocracy, viewing all government matters through the eyes of the dominant religion, Islam. Islamic Republic of Iran. Iran is referred to as the Islamic Republic of Iran.
J UST A LITTLE BIT MORE INFO …. Iran calls its government a religious democracy, but it’s characteristics are identical to a theocracy. Iran’s government closely follows Muslim teachings. The theocratic government was created when Iranians voted for a new constitution in Iran in 1979. The new constitution was based on the Islamic law found in the Qur’an. Laws and political decisions are based on this religious law. Today, most of the highest authority in Iran’s government belongs to religious leaders.
L EADERS IN THE I SLAMIC R EPUBLIC OF I RAN Supreme Leader The Assembly of Experts appoints the Supreme Leader, a religious position that lasts a lifetime unless the Assembly decides that person is no longer fit for office. The supreme leader has more power than the president, who is elected by a popular vote. The president serves a 4 year term.
T HE L EGISLATIVE B RANCH IN I RAN The legislative branch (makes laws) is an elected National Assembly of 290 members. Serve 4 year terms The Supreme Court and the 4-member High council of the Judiciary: Supervise enforcement of all laws AND Establish legal policies
I RAN ’ S P ERSONAL F REEDOMS Both men and women can vote at age 18. The constitution guarantees certain personal freedoms and equal rights, regardless of ethnic group or tribe. Some of these freedoms are similar to democratic ones, but others show theocracy, including: The right to choose employment as long as it isn’t conflicting with Islam. Freedom of the press, EXCEPT when it is damaging to the principles of Islam.
M ORE SIGNS OF RELIGION IN THE GOVERNMENT … If a person disagrees with the government, he or she could be arrested for treason!! Women have FAR fewer rights than men Their peaceful demonstrations for equality have been met with violence.
L ET ’ S THINK ABOUT THIS ….. What are the benefits of having separation of church and state?? Imagine what would happen if America created a theocratic government…. Let’s pretend that the religion of our imaginary American theocracy is a different religion than your personal beliefs… How would it make you feel to follow religious laws that you don’t believe in?? How would this affect your personal freedoms??
S AUDI A RABIA Arabic translation: “There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the messenger of God.”
T HE G OVERNMENT OF S AUDI A RABIA monarchy. The government of Saudi Arabia is a monarchy. Monarchy=government headed by a king or queen. The king is both the head of the government and the head religious official.
S AUDI R IGHTS Islamic law Islamic law governs Saudi Arabia. There is NO constitution. Saudi Arabia has NO: legislature (law making body) OR Political parties ONLY MEN ONLY MEN who are 21 and older can vote! King Abdullah
H UMAN R IGHTS W ATCH A group that views the Saudi justice system as highly secretive and wants it open to the public. Observers hope planned reforms (changes) in Saudi Arabia will improve civil liberties (and the citizens will have more rights!)
P ERSONAL F REEDOMS IN S AUDI A RABIA ?? Human rights and personal freedoms are often DENIED!! Examples include: Unfair trials Extreme physical punishments This woman was stoned for being in another man’s car, other than her husband.
T HE M UTAWEEN The Mutaween is a group of religious police in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets to make sure that Saudi citizens follow the STRICT codes of behavior and dress outlines by Islamic law.
Because Saudi Arabia values it’s position in the world economy, its government is working to correct some of these injustices!!
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