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Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL) Outcomes, activities, and current situation 2006-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL) Outcomes, activities, and current situation 2006-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inter-American Network for Labor Administration (RIAL) Outcomes, activities, and current situation 2006-2010

2 Outcomes Objective: To strengthen the human and institutional capacities of the Ministries of Labor Development of new products, services, or programs 35% of RIAL Fund activities documented -Regionalization of conciliation in CR -Creation of Labor Training Center, ES Revision and improvement of programs in execution 70% of Workshops’ content -Improvement of Youth Program management instruments – AR Design or modification of training activities 50% of RIAL Fund activities documented -Workshop in MEX on “Safe Work” Program -Inspection training redesigned, PAN

3 Outcomes Design, modification, or improvement of internal processes 60% of RIAL Fund activities documented -Restructuring of statistical information system, GUA -Department of Social Security operations, PY -Modernization of Dept. of Civil Society Organizations, CR -Occupational Health and Safety Area, TT Legislative or regulatory framework reform -Draft law on mandatory payment of remuneration through banking system, PERU Objective: To strengthen the human and institutional capacities of the Ministries of Labor

4 RIAL Tools Portfolio Workshops Studies Coop. Fund Web & Forums Newsletter Video- conf IACML Working groups

5 Outputs 13 Hemispheric Workshops on priority subjects Occupational Health and Safety Labor inspection Youth employment Employment services Labor migration and SIMT Gender mainstreaming in Ministries of Labor Social dialogue Technical assistance and cooperation Labor dimension of globalization, FTAs and integration

6 Outputs Portfolio of Programs on-line and RIAL website Latest update: April – June 2010 112 Programs New web platform and Portfolio Employment 44% Institutional strengthening 4%Labor 27% Social Security 4% Information and research 12% Labor relations 9% Note : The new website design and interactive map were shown here

7 Outputs 2 technical studies on gender and labor 3 newsletters printed and disseminated each year

8 Outputs RIAL Cooperation Fund – 4 calls for proposals 43 bilateral cooperation activities/20 at planning stage

9 Outputs Over 500 Ministry of Labor representatives trained, COSATE, CEATAL 14 international organizations involved in the RIAL (ILO) 27 research centers and NGOs involved in RIAL activities

10 Lessons learned -Importance of clarity regarding focal points Characteristics of focal points: Awareness of assistance priorities Disseminate information within ML Raise awareness among the different areas regarding the usefulness of cooperation in strengthening institutional management in the Ministry Maintain excellent relations with all ML areas

11 Lessons learned -Technical profile of participants in RIAL activities as a necessary condition for institutional strengthening -Importance of incorporating expertise from other agencies (for example: gender studies with ILO and CIM, workshops on OHS with PAHO and ILO)

12 Lessons learned -Hemispheric Workshops: a valuable opportunity for exchange and “seedbed” for future cooperation (25% of Fund proposals came from the workshops). Scores 1 to 5 Employment services Dec. 2008 Migration and SIMT Feb. 2009 Labor inspection May 2009 Gender July 2009 Level of satisfaction with experience of Workshop 4.64.364.794.36 Relevance of topics covered 4.714.454.584.39 Workshop’s contribution to the relevant area in each Ministry -Participants give high grades to RIAL:

13 Lessons learned -Conditions that enable Cooperation Fund activities to have greater impact: 1)Carried out at opportune time 2)Address ML’s plans and priorities (not isolated) 3)Planned by technical teams from the outset

14 Lessons learned The RIAL: A collective effort

15 Financial situation

16 Contributions: – Canada: US$1.35 million – Other sources:US$550,000 Financial situation Canadian contribution has covered: 1. Operating costs Full time administrative support (2006–August 2010) Part-time web maintenance (2006–August 2010) 2. Costs of most activities OAS, USA, ARG, BRA, MEX

17 Financial situation Total expenditure to date:US$1.8 million Distribution of expenditure Hemispheric Workshops 41% Technical studies 3% Cooperation Fund 15% Operations (administration) 9% Coordination and General operation 18% Informational materials 2% Indirect cost recovery 7% Other activities related to RIAL/IACML 5%

18 Financial situation Important information: -Cost per Workshop: US$ 55,000 -Cost per RIAL Fund activity: US$ 6,500 -Annual operating costs:US$ 50,000 (without OAS contribution)

19 Financial situation Available funds: Item Canada (end Aug 2010) United States Update of web platform, inclusion of interactive tools, and brochure reprint 30,000 Newsletter No. 48,700 Cooperation Fund27,60050,000 Operating costs (administration)19,000 TOTAL:$85,300$50,000

20 Financial situation Proposal – Creation of a voluntary fund of contributions -Annual contributions by RIAL members who are willing and able to make them -Varying amounts, US$5,000 minimum, in accordance with the level of development and size of economy -Managed by the OAS, Technical Secretariat of the IACML -Addresses priorities and actions defined by the Ministries themselves at the IACML and the planning meeting

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