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MEDIA Initiative (Media Empowerment for Democratic Information Access) Thematic Area: Media, Security, Democracy Project Duration: 2 Years, July 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "MEDIA Initiative (Media Empowerment for Democratic Information Access) Thematic Area: Media, Security, Democracy Project Duration: 2 Years, July 2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 MEDIA Initiative (Media Empowerment for Democratic Information Access) Thematic Area: Media, Security, Democracy Project Duration: 2 Years, July 2010 - July 2012 Project Aim: The use of innovative interventions to reinforce the media’s role as a strong foundation for Nepal’s fragile democracy. Project Partners: Equal Access International/Nepal, WATCH for Social Justice & FREEDEAL Funding Support: US Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labour (DRL)

3 Project objectives 1) improve the professionalism and standards of Nepalese media workers; 2) improve media coverage that is accurate, timely and transparent; and 3) improve the security of media workers and societal and governmental respect for the vital role media freedom has to play in Nepal’s democracy. OCTOBER 29, 2010 STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOP KATHMANDU, NEPAL

4 PUBLIC OUTREACH Stakeholder meeting (2) Radio Program (26) TV Documentary (1) Commissioning Print Article (24) SOCIAL NETWORKING BASED TWO -ON LINE COMMUNITIES MEDIA (Major Activities) CAPACITY BUILDING Training on MLR (1025) Training on CAE (1050) Media Management Workshop (200) LEGAL AID TO JOURNALIST Legal support fund SMS Referral System MEDIA MONITORING

5 Activities Update Public Outreach addressing the threats to and the role of independent media in Nepal: Radio episodes, Content Advisory Group (CAG)Meeting 14 Episodes produced & broadcast, Radio Nepal & 30 FM stations broadcasting NN weekly Investigative print articles; 3 - editors (CAG member) 7 Articles produced so far Television Documentary - in-progress Two Online Communities (interactive websites) to strengthen professionalism and resources available to media workers : Media Workers' Network ( Citizen Journalism Platform (

6 Activities Update Training for 2075 media workers: Media Law & Rights Training, Initial ToT held (25 ) Cascading training held (500) Media Managers Workshop Regional (7) & National (1) Working in conflict affected environment Initial ToT held (25) Cascading training held (500) General training for most-at risk journalists held (25) Refresher Training on both thematic areas are planned for upcoming Quarter

7 Activities Update Legal Support Fund to protect journalist at risk and end impunity: Free legal support for journalists at risk (30) 28 cases investigated and provided with necessary support Only 3 cases filed to the polices Emergency referral service by text message (SMS), Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system set up Toll Free phone number 16600100456 in operation Toll Free SMS 7171 in operation Front Line SMS system 98511-32456 in operation Media Monitoring to expose corruption & promote professional journalism (6) Event based monitoring (1) 2nd Round of Monitoring done 3rd round of monitoring - planned for September 20 - 26

8 Additional Activities Social Media Surgeries Incidents monitoring (Internally by M & E team) Incident Follow-up monitoring (WATCH & FREEDEAL) Content Analysis (Internally) Interaction with Journalists and Media Professionals Support journalists to produce articles on project activities Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Content Advisory Group Media Monitoring Report dissemination event Bar Camp Event launch and promotional activities Outreach for Radio program

9 Informal Collaboration with; Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) Press Council Nepal (PCN) National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Bloggers Association of Nepal (BLOGAN)

10 Innovation The MEDIA Initiative is innovative in a number of ways by: (i) creating the first ever media legal defense fund in Nepal, putting those who harm or threaten media workers on notice that they can expect a concerted legal response; (ii) applying new media tools and the power of social networking to media freedom challenges in Nepal; (iii) using a range of transparency tools to enhance professionalism and ensure journalists practice within established professional Codes of Conduct; and Together these elements are expected to break the cycle of the abuse of media freedoms, allowing media to be a true foundation for democracy in Nepal.


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