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Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Developing Confidence through the Speech-Planning Process SPEAK © 2011 Cengage Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Developing Confidence through the Speech-Planning Process SPEAK © 2011 Cengage Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Developing Confidence through the Speech-Planning Process SPEAK © 2011 Cengage Learning

2 The mind is © 2011 Cengage Learning The mind is a wonderful thing. It starts working the minute you’re born & never stops…until you get up to speak in public. ~ Anonymous

3 …the level of fear a person experiences when anticipating or actually speaking to an audience. © 2011 Cengage Learning

4 Anticipation phase Confrontation phase Adaptation phase © 2011 Cengage Learning


6 Biologically based temperament Previous experience modeling/reinforcement Level of skills © 2011 Cengage Learning

7 General Methods Communication orientation motivation techniques Visualization Relaxation exercises Systematic desensitization Cognitive restructuring Public speaking skills training © 2011 Cengage Learning

8 Abdominal breathing Sighing Progressive muscle relaxation exercise © 2011 Cengage Learning

9 Negative Self-TalkPositive Coping Statements I’m afraid I’ll stumble over my words and look foolish. Even if I stumble, I will have succeeded as long as I get my message across. I’m afraid everyone will be able to tell that I’m nervous. They probably won’t be able to tell I’m nervous, but as long as I focus on getting my message across, that’s what matters.

10 © 2011 Cengage Learning Negative Self- Talk Positive Coping Statements I’m afraid my voice will crack. Even if my voice cracks, as long as I keep going and focus on getting my message across, I’ll succeed at what matters most. I’m afraid I’ll sound boring. I won’t sound boring if I focus on how important this message is to me and to my audience. I don’t have to do somersaults to keep the audience’s attention, because my topic is relevant to them.

11 Specific Techniques Allow sufficient time to prepare Use presentational aids Practice your speech aloud Dress up Choose an appropriate time to speak Use positive self-talk Face the audience with confidence Focus on sharing your message © 2011 Cengage Learning

12 Select a speech goal that is appropriate to the rhetorical situation Understand your audience & adapt to it. Gather & evaluate information to use in the speech. Organize & develop your ideas into a well- structured outline. Choose, prepare, & use appropriate presentational aids. Practice oral language & delivery style. © 2011 Cengage Learning

13 a presentation in which you recount an experience or experiences you have had and the significance you attach to it or them. © 2011 Cengage Learning

14 In all matters, before beginning, a diligent preparation should be made. ~Cicero © 2011 Cengage Learning

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