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Islamic Beliefs and Practices

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1 Islamic Beliefs and Practices
Chapter 12 Section 2 Islamic Beliefs and Practices

2 1.a. Recall What is the central teaching of the Qur’an? There is only one God and God is Allah. Muhammad is his Prophet.

3 1. b. Explain How does the Qur’an guide Muslims’ daily lives? It’s a list of rules God gave Muslims for good behavior

4 What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
2.a. Recall What are the Five Pillars of Islam? Statement of Faith Daily Prayer Donations to Charity Hajj to Mecca Fasting Ramadan

5 2.b. Make Generalizations
Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan? Reminder that God is more important than your body; reminder of people in the world who struggle to get enough food

6 What is Islamic Law called?
3.a. Identify What is Islamic Law called? Sharia Law

7 How is Islamic Law different from law in the United States?
3.b. Make Inferences How is Islamic Law different from law in the United States? Governs religious beliefs and practices it makes no distinction between religion and daily life; in the United States there is a separation between church and state

8 3.c. Eloborate What is a possible reason that opinions and writings about Islamic Law have changed over the centuries? Some countries have had contact with other societies opinions may have changed

9 4. Categorizing QQQur’an Sunnah 5 pillars of Islam
Wash before praying Do not eat pork and drink alcohol Free Slaves Woman have some rights Jihad 5 pillars of Islam Should not owe or borrow money Obey leaders

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