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…. Luke 18:9-14 The Parable Of The Pharisee & The Publican.

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2 Luke 18:9-14 The Parable Of The Pharisee & The Publican

3 Setting  On the way to Jerusalem  It is 3 months before Jesus’ crucifixion  He is traveling with Jews on their annual trip to Jerusalem for the Passover  They will pass through Galilee into Perea to avoid Samaria…come out at Jericho The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14


5 Setting  Jesus told this parable to certain ones who were self-righteous  They trusted in themselves  They viewed others with contempt The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

6 The Parable  Two men went to the temple to pray Ê A Pharisee v. 10a  A religious leader who was usually highly respected by the common people  He was hypocritical…most of his actions were pretense, for “show before others” The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

7 The Parable  Two men went to the temple to pray Ê A Pharisee v. 10a  He was more concerned for his own traditions than for God’s word Mt 15:1-9  He practiced his righteousness “…to be seen of men” Mt 6:1-7 The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

8 The Parable  Two men went to the temple to pray Ë A publican v. 10b  A Jew who collected taxes from his countrymen for the Romans  He was despised…a “sinner” Lk 15:1  He was viewed as a “traitor” The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

9 The Parable  Two men went to the temple to pray Ë A publican v. 10b  Typically, they were wealthy Lk 19:2  In their greed, they would defraud others to line their own pockets Lk 19:8 (Rome was indifferent to this) The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

10 The Parable  Their respective prayers Ê The Pharisee vv. 11-12  He thanked God he was unlike others (swindlers, unjust, adulterers, publican)  He recited the good things he did (fast, paid tithes ) The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14 Mt 23:23-24

11 The Parable  Their respective prayers Ê The Pharisee vv. 11-12  He didn’t praise God at all…only himself  He didn’t ask God for anything  He “cataloged” his accomplishments, reminded God of his “merits” The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

12 The Parable  Their respective prayers Ê The Pharisee vv. 11-12  His righteousness was not a function of his relationship with God, pleasing Him  His righteousness was a function of being better than others he despised The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

13 The Parable  Their respective prayers Ê The Pharisee vv. 11-12  He asked for nothing because he felt no need…he received nothing Jas 4:2-3  He confessed no sin because he felt no guilt The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

14 The Parable  Their respective prayers Ê The Pharisee vv. 11-12  Great irony…though he despised the publican, he needed him  Pride needs those it despises to continue building up an inflated ego The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

15 The Parable  Their respective prayers Ê The Pharisee vv. 11-12  He used the publican to serve his own selfish, conceited purposes…yet, he still held him in contempt The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

16 The Parable  Their respective prayers Ë The publican v. 13  His was short, to the point  He addressed God with “reverent desperation” (begged for mercy)  He was “ the sinner” 1 Tim 1:15 The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

17 The Parable  Their respective prayers Ë The publican v. 13  He was humble and honest…aware of his failures (beat his breast)  He couldn’t even lift his eyes to the throne of the One he was petitioning The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

18 The Parable  Their respective prayers Ë The publican v. 13  We know the Pharisee saw him  Any indication he saw the Pharisee?  Unlike the Pharisee, his prayer did not depend upon others’ unworthiness The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

19 The Parable  The result v. 14a  The “despised & unworthy” publican was justified (pronounced free of guilt)  The “esteemed & meritorious” Pharisee was not justified The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

20 The Parable  The result v. 14a  The Pharisee came to the temple so full… he left empty Prov 16:18  The publican came to the temple empty… he left “full” with more than he deserved Rom 4:4-8 The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

21 The Application v. 14b  Because the Pharisee exalted himself, he left no room for God to exalt him  The only way for him to go was down  The publican humbly waited for God to exalt him “in due time” 1 Pet 5:6 The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

22 The Lesson  How do I view myself before God?  Aware of my need for mercy?  Aware of my shortcomings, failures?  Do I compare myself to others?  “Okay” as long as I’m better than them?  Am I consumed with pride? The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14

23 The Lesson  How do I pray to God?  Do I feel the need to remind Him of all my good qualities?  Do I sense my own unworthiness?  Do I beg for mercy? The Pharisee & Publican Lk 18:9-14


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