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MAJORING in Minors and Minoring in MAJORS MATTHEW 23:16-39.

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Presentation on theme: "MAJORING in Minors and Minoring in MAJORS MATTHEW 23:16-39."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAJORING in Minors and Minoring in MAJORS MATTHEW 23:16-39

2 Mathew 23 Jesus publicly rebukes the “righteousness” of the Pharisees He rebukes their hypocrisy v.1-4 He rebukes their hidden motives v.5-12 They actively hurt others and do not help them v.13-15 Jesus rebukes their warped value system v.16- 22 (they loved money—Luke 16:14) Jesus rebukes their priorites v.23-28 Priorities are a reflection of values

3 Mathew 23:23-24 They cared to keep the law of tithing; even spices They neglected the weightier matters of the law (fairness, mercy, faith, love of God) Deut. 10:12-13, Micah 6:8, Prov. 21:3 Priorities: 1 Sam. 15:22-23, obedience is the true sacrifice Righteousness over ritual Isaiah 1:10-17 Repentance over ritual Psalm 51:17 Reconciliation before worship Matt. 5:23-24

4 Mathew 23:25-39 Neglect of the weightier matters nullifies the effort to keep the lighter matters v.25-26 Outside is not clean if the inside is not clean It is possible to be blind to our hypocrisy John 9:39-41 Especially if we compartmentalize religion 1 Peter 3:7 that your prayers be not hindered Cultivating relationships should be a priority Attitudes, motives, affect actions Prov. 4:23 Judgment on hypocrites Matt. 23:27-39

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