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Accreditation Kevin Bontenbol Julie Bruno Michelle Grimes-Hillman 1.

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1 Accreditation Kevin Bontenbol Julie Bruno Michelle Grimes-Hillman 1

2 A Quiz…

3 Which Of The Following Is True Of Accreditation? A. It compares colleges to best practices in education. B. It punishes colleges based upon audits. C. It grades and ranks colleges based on standards. D. It is a means of monitoring colleges. E. It guarantees the quality of education to the federal government and the public.

4 Who Participates In Accreditation Processes? A. Faculty B. Administration C. Classified Staff D. Students E. All of the above

5 What Role Do Faculty Play In The Accreditation Report? A. Representation on committees B. Writing the report C. Validating the accuracy of the report to the student perspective D. Meeting with Accreditation team visitors E. All of the above

6 Which Of The Following Aspects Of Accreditation Might A Senate Leader Be Involved In? A. Chair a standard committee B. Strategize a goal and game plan for accreditation C. Determine priorities for accreditation D. Advocate for a full student voice E. All of the above

7 What is the role of the senate president in… the development of the self-study? the development of the mid-term report and follow-up reports? the ongoing evaluation and carrying out of planning agendas?

8 What Does It Mean If A College Gets A Negative Accreditation Report? A. The college loses federal funding B. The college loses student financial aid C. The college loses the ability to transfer courses D. The college can no longer operate E. It depends on the negative report

9 How Many California Community Colleges Are Currently On Some Form Of Sanction? A. None B. 5-6 colleges C. 10 colleges D. 18 colleges E. 55 colleges 9

10 Why have colleges been placed on sanction? Program review problems Institutional effectiveness problems Governance problems

11 Why might a college be placed on sanction? Program review problems Institutional effectiveness problems Governance problems And coming to a college near you in 2012… Student Learning Outcomes and Assessment

12 What Does Accreditation Look At? Standard 1 – Institutional Effectiveness Standard 2 – Student Learning Outcomes A. Instruction B. Student Services C. Library Standard 3 – Resources (human, fiscal, physical, technology) Standard 4 - Governance

13 What Happens When Accreditation Works? Every constituency is involved The college does a rigorous and honest self evaluation Processes are evaluated for efficiency

14 What Happens When Accreditation Works? Courses and programs are reviewed for usefulness and currency Student Pathways are reviewed Budgeting, planning and resource allocation processes are examined

15 Who Makes Accreditation Happen? Existing committees are the most knowledgeable, have the history, know the status and can carry out the action plans. Existing committees can plan an evaluation of the process and carry it out.

16 What Standard Or Standards Should Faculty Be Involved In? A. Standard I B. Standard II C. Standard III D. Standard II and IV E. Standards I-IV

17 What Existing Committees Should Be On This Portion Of The Accreditation Report? Standard 1 – Institutional Effectiveness Research Program Review Senate SLO and Assessment Committee Department or Division Chairs

18 What Existing Committees Should Be On This Portion Of The Accreditation Report? Standard 2 A - Instruction Curriculum SLO and Assessment Program Review

19 What Existing Committees Should Be On This Portion Of The Accreditation Report? Standard 2 B - Counseling Curriculum SLO and Assessment Program Review Counseling

20 What Existing Committees Should Be On This Portion Of The Accreditation Report? Standard 2 C - Library Curriculum SLO and Assessment Program Review Library

21 What Existing Committees Should Be On This Portion Of The Accreditation Report? Standard 3 -- Resources Facilities Maintenance IT Budget HR committees – Equal Opportunity etc.

22 What Existing Committees Should Be On This Portion Of The Accreditation Report? Standard 4 - Governance Highest governance council or committee Senate Student and classified leadership Unions District governance

23 The Report For Each Section Includes: Self Evaluation Data (refer to specific data in text and include in evidence files –online and hard copy) Evidence that data is used in decision making and planning Action Plan

24 Rubrics Rubric I: Institutional Effectiveness Rubric II: Planning Rubric III: SLO

25 Comments? Questions?

26 Resources ASCCC Accreditation Resource Teams ASCCC Rostrum Articles ASCCC Papers:  Guiding Principles for SLO and Assessment  Data 101: Guiding Principles for Faculty  Working with the 2002 Standards: The Faculty’s Role

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