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TDT 4242 Torbjørn Skramstad. Course contents The course consists of two parts: Requirements – a description of what we shall develop: 11 lectures Tests.

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1 TDT 4242 Torbjørn Skramstad

2 Course contents The course consists of two parts: Requirements – a description of what we shall develop: 11 lectures Tests – a description of how we will check that we have developed what the customer required: 19 lectures The curriculum consists of A set of slides Copies of journal articles

3 Course grade The course grade will be decided based on One group exercise on writing requirements – 10% One group exercise on writing a test strategy for a set of requirements – 10% One group exercise on testing a software package – 30% Exam – 50%

4 Preliminary lecture plan – 1 Thursdays 12:15 – 14:00 in F3 Thursdays 16:15 – 17:00 in F3 First lecture – Thursday January 10, 2013 Last lecture – Thursday April 18, 2013 Exercise 1 – week 4 Exercise 2 – week 8 Exercise 3 – weeks 12 and 15 There will be no lectures during the exercise periods.

5 Lecture plan – 2 Week Course content 2 What you will learn Presentation of lecture plan and exercises Goal oriented requirements specification Quality issues in requirements 3 On requirement – testability and traceability Intro. to exercise 1 4Exercise 1 – Write a requirements specification 5 Testing vs. inspection – strong and weak sides Testing and cost / benefit analysis 6 Testing strategies – a general introduction Black box vs. White box Grey box testing Introduction to exercise 2 7Exercise 2 – Write a testing strategy for the requirements specification from exercise 1

6 8 How to prioritize requirements Requirements handling in COTS, Outsourcing, sub-contracting etc. Requirements in embedded and information systems 9 Aspects, cross-cutting concerns and non-functional requirements Testing COTS, Outsourcing, sub-contracting etc. Presentation of the FITNESS tool 10 Domain testing Coverage measures Use of test coverage measures for code and requirements 11 Requirements through user stories and scenarios How to write good user stories and scenarios 12 Test driven development – TDD Introduction to exercise 3 13-15Exercise 3 14 Advanced use cases 16 Regression testing Non-functional requirements – safety, user friendliness etc. Testing non-functional requirements 17Walkthrough of last year exam/ results for exercise 3

7 Main theme The main message of this course is that requirements and tests are two sides of the same coin. Requirements without tests will be ignored. Tests without requirements are meaningless.

8 The need for traceability It must be possible to trace –From test to requirement. Why do we need this test? –From requirement to test. Where is this requirement tested? Staus: How many of the tests for this requirement has been executed successfully?

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