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Nathalie - Najat - Aurélie - Mathieu. Brainstorming around the word « WASTE »

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Presentation on theme: "Nathalie - Najat - Aurélie - Mathieu. Brainstorming around the word « WASTE »"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nathalie - Najat - Aurélie - Mathieu

2 Brainstorming around the word « WASTE »

3 3 factors of production

4 CompanyResourcesProducts Wastes Process of production

5 The different materials = resources SILK - caterpillars make fibres - make yarns - yarns are woven

6 LYCRA - synthetic fibres - always combined with other materials SUGAR - come from cane or beet - a sweetener to products - as by-products

7 PINE - natural wool - ex : tables, chair, children’s toys … MDF = Medium Density Fireboard - produced by waste of wood - mixed with water, wax and resin

8 METALS - natural materials found in roks : iron, copper, tin - join 2 metals  get the advantages of the originals metals - possible to change a metal

9 WASTES = which is no longer useful 1996 : Special Waste Regulations  classifies differents types of waste

10 Inert = materials which won’t cause environmental pollution Inert = materials which won’t cause environmental pollution Biodegradable = materials which rot away by the action of living micro-organism Hazardous = materials which can damage health

11 InertBiodegradableHazardous Apple Iron Wood Cyanide Oil Potato peeling Stone Grass Poison

12 METHODS of dealing with waste WASTE MINIMISATION = avoid producing waste RE-USE = re-use materials which would otherwise disposed of RECYCLING  bring system / collect system / central processing = collect waste materials to produce a new raw material

13 INCINERATION = burning materials AdvantagesDrawbacks Decrease of the volume of waste Product dioxide gas  poisonous ash are used Expensive but less than other methods

14 LANDFILL = burying waste in the ground COMPOSTING = collecting organic waste and allowing it to decompose  natural fertiliser

15 DESIGN Some methods : - JIT and kaisen - less packaging - development of concentrated product - reducing product

16 BENEFITS of waste management reduce costs lower prices to consumers reduce tax use waste to make products, which will be sold improvment of the company’s image avoid breaking the law and paying fines

17 DISADVANTAGES of waste management some aspects are expensive higher prices to consumers small business are disadvantaged

18 Factors affecting waste management NEEDS of STAKEHOLER  possible conflit between shareholders and local communauty LEGISLATION  acts taken by the Government

19 ETHICAL STANCE  respect the laws and overcome the minimum legal standard LOCAL INITIATIVES  supports groups in some regions COSTS  consider and compare the costs of the different methods

20 Fill in the blanks and you will have a good summary of the lesson

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