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British Imperialism in India. British Take Over India  British able to conquer large territory b/c of diversity of India: many people & cultures –British.

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Presentation on theme: "British Imperialism in India. British Take Over India  British able to conquer large territory b/c of diversity of India: many people & cultures –British."— Presentation transcript:

1 British Imperialism in India

2 British Take Over India  British able to conquer large territory b/c of diversity of India: many people & cultures –British took advantage of divisions by encouraging competition  British East India Company –Main Goal: Make money –Improved roads, preserved peace & reduced banditry –Introduced western education  Outlawed Sati- a Hindu custom that called for a widow to join her husband in death by throwing herself in his funeral fire

3 Causes of Discontent  Required sepoys, Indian soldiers, to serve anywhere –Overseas travel against religion  New rifles issued- had to bite off cartridge, which was greased in animal fat (cows sacred)  Sepoy Rebellion- Sepoys brutally massacred British, but revolt was crushed –Left bitterness between the two –India now OFFICIALLY under British crown

4 British Colonial Rule  British viceroy rules in name of the queen  British officials hold top spots in army & government  Unequal Partnership: –British see India as a market & a source of raw materials –Trade flourished after Suez Canal, but favored Britain –Forced farmers to grow crops that could be sold on world market

5 Pros & Cons  Pros –India developed into a modern economy; unified by railroads –British troops cleared out violence and petty crimes –Improvement in literacy, education, public health  Cons –British restricted India economics –Emphasis on cash crops (especially cotton) caused famines –Resentment among the Indians  rebellions

6 Different Views on Culture  Indian Attitudes –Some Indians impressed by British power & technology –Others felt answer to change lay w/ Hindu or Muslim culture –Revitalized & reform Indian culture to learn from the West  Western Attitudes –British disagreed about India –Some admired Indian philosophy & ancient heritage –Most knew little about Indian achievements & dismissed their culture

7 Indian Nationalism  Western- Educated Indians headed a nationalist movement  Indian National Congress- Believed in peaceful protest to achieve their goals –Called for democracy, which they felt would bring more power to Indians –Wanted self-rule, but supported western-style modernization  Resistance to British rule increased…will not achieve self-rule until 1947

8 Political Cartoon Analysis  Answer these five questions for EACH cartoon in your spiral. You will get a stamp when you are finished: a.List the objects, people, and symbols you see in the cartoon. b.What word or symbol in the cartoon appears to be the most significant? Why? c.Explain the message of the cartoon. d.What is the cartoon telling us about imperialism (is it good, bad, etc)? e.Who would agree and disagree with the message in the cartoon?

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