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Modality of signs Researcher: Charles PeirceCharles Peirce (1839-1914)

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1 Modality of signs Researcher: Charles PeirceCharles Peirce (1839-1914)

2 icon “image-sign” → imitation of reality


4 degree of iconicity: How close is the resemblance with what is imitated ?

5 symbol meaning comes from association & accepted codes (not always directly clear)

6 dove → association with peace → symbol for peace

7 index → pointer… → indi cator…

8 only makes sense as a pointer to existing information e.g. map of small area in Rotterdam: which street is where?

9 Piet Mondriaan, Composition with Yellow, Blue, and Red, 1921, oil on canvas, 72.5 x 69 cm

10 Meret Oppenheim, Object (Le Déjeuner en fourrure), 1936 “The breakfast covered in fur…“

11 Meret Oppenheim „Ma gouvernante / My Nurse / Mein Kindermädchen" (1936) created from a pair of women's pumps tied together with string and presented in a silver serving dish. Many viewers were shocked by what they saw as the sexual suggestiveness of Oppenheim's objects; the artist insisted they were nothing more than a joke.

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