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Basic Information on HINARI, AGORA, OARE (Research4Life) and the Internet (module 1.1)

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Information on HINARI, AGORA, OARE (Research4Life) and the Internet (module 1.1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Information on HINARI, AGORA, OARE (Research4Life) and the Internet (module 1.1)

2 Instructions - This part of the:  course is a PowerPoint demonstration intended to introduce you to Basic Internet Concepts.  module is off-line and is intended as an information resource for reference use. MODULE 1.1 Basic Information on HINARI, AGORA and OARE and the Internet

3 Table of Contents  Background – HINARI, AGORA, OARE  Basic Internet Concepts  Structure of the Internet  Common Internet Protocols  Technical Requirements for HINARI


5 Objectives of Research4Life To connect developing world researchers with the international scientific community To reduce the ‘publishing gap’ and improve the quality of locally produced articles and journals Ultimately – improve health, food security and environment in relation to Millennium Development Goals of 2015

6 HINARI (Health Access to Research programme) Online portal to publishers Coordinated by WHO/Yale University, USA Free/Low cost to 109 countries Over 7000 journals / 200 publishers Medicine and health 4200+ institutions registered Data: 04 2010

7 Research AGORA (Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture) Online portal to publishers Coordinated by FAO/Cornell University, USA Free/Low cost to 109 countries 1278 journals / 60 publishers Agriculture and related sciences 2000 institutions registered Data: 04 2009


9 OARE (Online Access to Research in the Environment) Online portal to access environmental information Coordinated by UNEP/Yale University Free/Low cost to 109 countries Over 2990 journals / 500 publishers and scholarly societies Environment and related sciences 1800 institutions registered Data: 04 2010


11 HINARI-AGORA-OARE Eligibility Free (Band 1): 67 countries with GNI (gross national income) per capita of <$1600 $1000/yr (Band 2): 42 Countries/territories with GNI per capita of $1601-4700 some publishers opt out of this option and do not allow access to their journals Eligibility is based on GNI per capita figures as reported by the World Bank

12 Who is Eligible for HINARI-AGORA-OARE?

13 Primary Target Audiences Eligible categories of institutions are: national universities research institutes professional schools (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, public health, dentistry) teaching hospitals government: ministries and agencies national medical libraries locally based non-governmental agencies All permanent and visiting faculty, staff members and students are entitled to access and can obtain the institutional User Name and Password.

14 Partners  Principal Publishers  Elsevier Science  Springer  Wiley-Blackwell  Sage  Taylor & Francis  Lippincott/Williams & Wilkins  BioOne  Oxford University Press  Nature Publishing  Other science/technical/ medical publishers  Program Partners  World Health Organization - WHO  Food and Agriculture Org. – FAO  United Nations Environment Programme – UNEP  Yale University Library  Mann Library/Cornell University  International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers – STM  Information Training and Outreach Centre for Africa  National Library of Medicine  Microsoft  Librarians Without Borders ® /MLA

15 What is the Internet? Publicly accessible network of interconnected computers which communicate via software protocol standards Easily accessed (via modem and phone line, ISDN, direct cable landline, satellite) Expanding global infrastructure; is pan-national (no central control) Regarding information delivery, the most significant change since the development of the printing press in the 15 th century!

16 Internet World Statistics 26 November 2009

17 Internet Growth Exponential growth for the last few years In 1993, 90,000 people used the Internet; in 2002, 600 million people used the Internet; in 2007, over 1 billion people used the Internet Hardware costs are decreasing year on year While the recent increase of usage in developing countries has been significant, the overall % of users is significantly less than industrialized countries.


19 Server/Client Interface SERVERS CLIENTS Hardware + Software Software Protocols

20 Internet Architecture Give me file x Here it is Desktop computer - “client” Computer on the Internet holding information - remote “server”

21 Internet Services The World Wide Web or a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet (multiple delivery options) Search tools via WWW (search engines, databases, gateways and portals) Communication (E-mail) Retrieval/information transfer (File Transfer Protocol - FTP)

22 The World-Wide Web WWW, web, W3, World-Wide Web Often what people mean by the Internet Based on hypertext - the ability to link text and documents dynamically and interactively Uses hypertext markup language - HTML The WWW is a global standard Can use text, graphics, sound and video Anyone can link to and make use of the web

23 Delivery: Dial Up Connection Client Computer With Modem ISP Server Internet Phone Line International Gateway Link DIAL-UP CONNECTION Speed of line Quality of line Speed of connection – modem speed: usually 56 kilobytes per second – dial into Internet Service Provider (ISP) – quality of telephone line

24 Delivery: Broadband Connection Speed of connection –LAN Server speed –Bandwidth (minimally 256kbts/s to 1.0 Mbit/s) –Mode of link (radio, leased line, satellite) LAphone line Internet Leased Line Permanent Connection FULL – TIME CONNECTION Speed of line Quality of line Local Area Network LAN Server

25 Access Speed Issues Cables vary in speed and amount of information they can carry Sometimes cables are slow in carrying information or lose the signal, especially if information must cross long distances too much traffic on cable cable capacity (bandwidth) is low ross long distances too much traffic on the cable cable capacity, or bandwidth, is low

26 Web Browser Browser is the software that is used to view the Web Standard browser features –scrolling, back, forward, stop, home, refresh Navigation - in built features –back, forward, home, go to, yes, no Search on a single web page Multiple Web browser windows


28 Browser Customization Toolbar options Link to a specific homepage Using the right click mouse button Using favorites or bookmarks –Adding –Organizing –Editing

29 Internet Requirements for HINARI 128 kbps, local area network (LAN), or cable connection required. A hard-wired full-time Internet connection (T1 or better) enables the fastest downloads. Satellite or network connections, though slower, are also adequate. Web Browser - Internet Explorer version 4.0 or Mozilla Firefox 1.0

30 Adobe Reader for PDFs You will need an Adobe Reader to view journal articles in PDF (Portable Document Format). Adobe Reader can be downloaded for FREE from the Adobe web site:

31 This page contains the link to download option for Adobe Reader version 8.1.2 This is viewed using the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

32 The Internet Address or URL This page is being viewed with an Internet Browser. Browsers allow computers to read Hyper Text Mark- up Language OR HTML. In this example we have entered the URL - - for the HINARI website and clicked on the ENTER or RETURN key.

33 Hypertext links Links to other pages are usually underlined or in another colour of text.

34 Forward and back navigation buttons The arrow buttons on the tool bar allow users to move Back and Forward to pages within the website.

35 Home page button The House icon on the tool bar will take you back to the browser’s default Home Page. This is the end of Module 1.1 There is a Work Book to accompany this part of the module. The workbook will take you through a live session covering the topics included in this demonstration with working examples. Updated 2009 12

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