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. Italian RIS TEN-T Project Coordination of Ports and Inland navigation Bodies of Northern Italy PLATINA - RIS COMMON ISSUES Budapest, November 17 th 2010.

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Presentation on theme: ". Italian RIS TEN-T Project Coordination of Ports and Inland navigation Bodies of Northern Italy PLATINA - RIS COMMON ISSUES Budapest, November 17 th 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 . Italian RIS TEN-T Project Coordination of Ports and Inland navigation Bodies of Northern Italy PLATINA - RIS COMMON ISSUES Budapest, November 17 th 2010

2 Northern Italy Inland Waterway System

3 The Po River From Cremona to the Sea (km 292): on the first part (Cremona-Foce Mincio) the Port of Cremona and the link Cremona-Milano, Mincio and Fissero; on the second part (mouth of the Mincio River-Sea) the Port of Ferrara. Milano-Cremona IWW (km 13,5), of international importance, capable for transport of modern freight vessel of the VI class CEMIT. Currently it’s operating with the channel up to Pizzighettone. Fiume Mincio, from Mantova up to Po River (km 21), of international importance, capable for transport of modern freight vessel of the IV class CEMIT. Currently the possible days of transport is 200 d/y; with the project “Corrente Libera” (free flow) in 4 years it will be increased up to 320.

4 The Channels Fissero-Tartaro-Bianco and Po-Brondolo The “Idrovia Mantova-mare”, trough the channel Fissero-Tartaro-Bianco (km 135), of international interest: parallel route to the Po River at 30- 40km distance from it. From the Port of Mantova, crossing the Province of Mantova, Verona e Rovigo, it ends at the Port Levante at the mouth of the Po River. It includes 7 locks. It’s currently capable of the IV class CEMIT Finalized the projects, in 4 years the classification will be upgraded to V class between Mantova and Porto Levante/Chioggia and Venezia.

5 The potential corridors’ interfacing

6 Progress - The Partnership Coordination of Ports and Inland navigation Bodies of Northern Italy  Protocol of Agreement (April 09)  Coordination body (October 09) Provincia di Cremona REGIONE VENETO Provincia di Reggio Emilia

7 Progress - Main projects 1.TEN-T project: Infrastructural improvements in the Inland Waterways System of Northern Italy –aims at the development of the Northern Italy Waterway System (Po River and connected canals) towards class Va and at its multimodal interconnection with existing road, rail and sea axes of European relevance –Main Works include: Building a new chamber lock at Brondolo Constructing 2 new chamber locks at Cavanella Setting up an automation and remote control system of the chamber locks in the Veneto segment Building a new chamber lock in the area of Valdaro Development and connection of the Port of Mantua Valdaro Building a new road connection between the Port of Mantua and the Brennero Motorway A22

8 Progress - Main projects Studies for the infrastructural improvements of the Northern Italy Waterways System –Elaboration of a Master Plan –Executive design of works for adaptation to class V of the Fissero- Tartaro-CanalBianco canal, –Definitive design of the free stream of the Po River from Cremona to the intersection with the Mincio river. –Definitive Design of Restructuring of Porto Levante

9 RIS services progress Study and Implementation of a RIS system to improve safety, efficiency of river navigation and sustainable from the environmental perspective T&T tracking and tracing system in the Po river (Boretto city) NTS - Notice to Skippers information in terms of navigational warnings and values of waters level in every section (daily) LMS: 26 locks, full remote control is under implementation ENC ARNI, currently within AIPO organization for Inland navigation management, in charge ENC for Po river

10 . Thank you for your attention Paolo Squillante GSM +39/3407891690 - Email:

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