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M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording1 Computer Engineering of Wave Machines for Seismic Modeling and Seismic Migration R. Phillip Bording March 8,

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Presentation on theme: "M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording1 Computer Engineering of Wave Machines for Seismic Modeling and Seismic Migration R. Phillip Bording March 8,"— Presentation transcript:

1 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording1 Computer Engineering of Wave Machines for Seismic Modeling and Seismic Migration R. Phillip Bording March 8, 2005 0 Max Address Husky Energy Chair in Oil and Gas Research Memorial University of Newfoundland

2 Session 1 History of Design Tyco Brahe Napier Charles Babbage – mechanical design John Atanasoff – Storage – spinning capacitor - Konrad Zuse - Floating Point Mauchley and Ekert von-Neumann Harvard memory – code memory - data Princeton memory code and data

3 Session 2 Current Design Issues Scaling laws Moore’s Law Transistors – VLSI Memory – Technology Division of Design The memory Challenge The processor Challenge The ILLIAC – PEPE IBM 7094 IBM 360/44 IBM 360/95 Array Processors the software of array processor calls


5 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording5 Processors Data Memory Alu Hardwired instructions Processor Bottleneck Memory Bottleneck Vacuum tubes Core Plated Wire Transistors LSI – 6 T Static VLSI - 2 T Dynamic

6 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording6 After Gustfason 2004 Bednar, 2004

7 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording7 Lamda Rules

8 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording8 Moore’s Laws Every 18 months the density of transistors on a VLSI chip doubles The investments of $ doubles with every new VLSI plant

9 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording9 Parallel Ensemble Processing Elements - PEPE P0 Pn-3Pn-2Pn-1Pn.. Data Inputs Radar Processing Computer Associative Computing Data Outputs

10 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording10 Multiple Bank Memory Systems Starting + 1 +2 +3 Address +N +2N +3N Mod 4 Memory Banks Bank 0 1 2 3 Vector Programming Model

11 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording11 Trends in Technology

12 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording12 A 256 Node SMP Linux Cluster (2001) 512 CPU, 512GB, 6TB SCSI, 1.536 TB Local, GB Ethernet Imagine 20 of these in one room. Bednar, 2004

13 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording13 SIZE, COST, and HEAT The EARTH Simulator 3 Megawatts 500 Million US $ It doesn’t simulte global warming, IT CAUSES IT! Bednar, 2004

14 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording14

15 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording15

16 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording16 SLOWERSLOWER

17 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording17

18 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording18 After Gustfason 2004 Bednar, 2004

19 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording19 GAP

20 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording20 Computational Earth Sciences

21 Atmospheric Modeling and Data Assimilation at the DAO Robert Atlas and the DAO Team Data Assimilation Office, NASA/GSFC IWG, November 2001

22 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording22 The f-v Dynamical Core Terrain following Lagrangian control- volume vertical discretization of the basic conservation laws: Mass Momentum Total energy 2D horizontal flux-form semi-Lagrangian discretization Genuinely conservative Gibbs oscillation free Absolute vorticity consistently transported with mass dp within the Lagrangian layers. Computationally efficient

23 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording23 Computational Performance

24 Progression in model resolution  1990s: 2 o X 2.5 o (220 km)  2000: 1 o X 1.25 o (110 km)  2002: 0.5 o X 0.625 o (55 km)  2004: 0.25 o X 0.36 o (28 km)  2006: Geodesic grid finite-volume @ 20 km  2006 - 2010: up to 10 km – hydrostatic assumption starts to break down; this is the transition period to non-hydrostatic dynamics  2010-2020: revolution in computing technology is to take place  2025: global non-hydrostatic cloud-resolving model with 1 km or finer resolution; capable of resolving individual thunderstorms Slides from Bob Atlas Presentation

25 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording25 Numerical Problem Solving

26 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording26 Problem Solving – 3D Example of Array Addressing Finite Differences – 3D Array Large Memory Requirement Wave Propagation FD-Time Domain Algorithm Psi(i,j,k) = Physical Variables; ? How do we address memory?? Address = (k-1)*Lx*Ly +(j-1)*Lx+(i-1) + base

27 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording27 Problem Solving – 3D Example of Array Addressing Address = (k-1)*Lx*Ly +(j-1)*Lx+(i-1) + base Grid Points i,j,ki-1,j,ki+1,j,k

28 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording28 Array Addressing by Dimension 3D Array Psi(Lx,Ly,Lz) Address = (k-1)*Lx*Ly +(j-1)*Lx+(i-1) + base 2D Array Psi(Lx,Ly) Address = (j-1)*Lx+(i-1) + base 1D Array Psi(Lx) Address = (i-1) + base Stride One Data Stride N Data Stride N*N Data

29 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording29 Cache Memory Access Streams 1D Streams – 100% 1D +/-1 100% 2D +/-1 100% 2D +/-N 80% 2D +/-1 +/-N 26%

30 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording30 Cache Memory Access Streams 3D +/-1 100% 3D +/-N 80% 3D +/-N*N 28% 3D ALL 7%

31 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording31 One Big One versus Many Little Ones

32 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording32 Futures of Micro-poor processors Lots of arithmetic capability, very hard to use Market forces will make them good at painting bit maps on screens

33 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording33 Futures of Micro-poor processors No relief in Memory Subsystem Design, prefetch will help but not nearly enough A million will cost a Billion, $$$

34 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording34 Futures of Micro-poor processors and the Big Switch The Big Switch is the hot spot and no relief is in sight. No telling what the switch will cost??

35 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording35 Seismic Modeling and the Inverse Problem

36 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording36

37 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording37 12 Streamers x 5.1 Kilometers Long Data collected for 70 continuous days Over 2300 Square Km.

38 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording38 3D Seismic Modeling 1.Large Scale 3D ~200+ Wave Lengths 2.Acoustic and Elastic Wave Equations 3.In-Homogeneous Earth has widely varying parameters. 4.Complexity limits use of 3D elastic modeling 5.Problem Scale Nx=Ny=Nz ~ 1000 Ntime ~ 10,000 Work per Grid Point ~ 100 Number of Seismic Shots per Survey ~ 100,000 Single Survey Simulation is 10^20 Operations.

39 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording39 The Babbage Difference Engine, circa 1853

40 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording40 Wave Equation Difference Engine (WEDE) for Seismic Modeling Four Processors Acoustic Wave Equation My PhD thesis project at the University of Tulsa

41 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording41 Wave Equation Difference Engine Finite Differences Elastic or Acoustic Wave Equations Regular Grids Sponge/One-Way Wave Equation Boundary Conditions Any Source/Receiver Geometry Explicit 4 th order in Time & 8 th order in Space?

42 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording42 Wave Equation Difference Engine No Cache Memory Deterministic Execution Not a MIMD or SIMD or Data Flow Data movement and control matches the algorithm Each grid point has control word Three levels of parallelism, ( Amount of Parallelism) Instruction trees, ~ 10-20 Multiple Instructions with selection, ~2-3 Multiple Grid points, ~Hundreds of Thousands

43 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording43 Acoustic, Constant Density Density is so constant it does not appear in the equation. C is the P Wave Velocity. The source energy is in src. Psi is the wave field.

44 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording44 Wave Equation Difference Engine Machine Performance 100 operations in pipeline 1,000,000 grid point processors 100 Megahertz Clock 10^16 Operations per second

45 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording45

46 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording46

47 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording47 Application Specific Parallel Computing Choose carefully an application which is BIG. Find an algorithm which is suitable. Good data locality. Regular structure in data movement High memory data transfers Map the algorithm into hardware

48 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording48 Application Specific Parallel Computing What it is not! Not suitable for just any algorithm Not general purpose, we will have an efficient but specific memory subsystem. Does not match the alphabet soup, SIMD, MIMD,NUMA, etc

49 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording49 What do ASP machines need?? VLSI Design Team, fabless and good? Clever Architect for the problem. A very good memory design!

50 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording50 What do ASP machines do away with?? Language Compilers Outdated junk in the processor design, x86! Cache memories! Non-deterministic execution!

51 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording51 Multiple Bank Memory Systems Starting + 1 +2 +3 Address +N +2N +3N Mod 4 Memory Banks Bank 0 1 2 3 As many as are needed!!!!

52 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording52 Pipelined Instruction Trees Each higher level offers parallel operations Pipeline assumes all registers are loaded every cycle Hardwired?? Actually today the instruction trees could be re-configurable using re-programmable cells!!! r = a+b-x*y

53 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording53 Pipelined Instruction Trees a bd y - * - abxy * + Multiple Trees offer the second level of Parallelism +

54 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording54 Three Levels of Parallelism 1.Instruction Trees, Multiple Levels 2.Multiple Results 3.Multiple Grid Point Processors

55 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording55 Wave Machine

56 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording56 Imaging Machine

57 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording57 Wave Equation a) 8th or 10th Order in space b) 4 th Order in time, tricky but possible c) Sponge Boundary Conditions, slowly varying weights along sides d) Nominal flat topography, new schemes are building in topography e) Any seismic source location, any geophone location

58 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording58 Elastic Wave Equation a) Grid point work is about 100 operations b) About 20,000 time steps per shot c) 200 Wavelengths gives about 160,000 geophone locations d) Traces have 4096 samples, 2 milliseconds, could be 1 ms.

59 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording59 Elastic Wave Equation Shots are placed at twice the receiver spacing Number of shots equals 40,000 Model Frequency is velocity dependent, assume something on the order of 60 hertz.

60 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording60 Economics Up Front Fixed Cost, $5 to $ 10 Million Each ASP Chip is $5 to 10 A Petaflop for $5 or $10 Million

61 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording61 Economics Seismic Shot takes 0.1 seconds 5 Year life is 50,000 Models A realistic 3D elastic seismic model would cost $200

62 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording62 Comparison 10 Clusters ~ $10 Million 10 models per year One Waves in Linear Motion Analyzer (WILMA) ~$10 Million 10,000 models per year

63 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording63 Comparison Waves in Linear Motion Analyzer 1000X faster For the same money!.

64 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording64 Summary 1000 Megawatts is a good sized power station Good memory design is worth the money! Removing the obstacles to efficient computing gives sustainable performance

65 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording65 Summary Slower is better. Less power is better. High Efficiency is better.

66 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording66 Conclusions Deterministic Computing is important for performance……… Application Specific Computing is a good fit for the wave equation….. And very cost effective………..

67 M U N - February 17, 2005 - Phil Bording67 Thanks SEG – Continuing Education Memorial University of Newfoundland

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