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WIN-WIN GMU Team Status Report March 31, 2004. System Prototype Process to date – Contents models, flowcharts – System-wide functions – Field templates.

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Presentation on theme: "WIN-WIN GMU Team Status Report March 31, 2004. System Prototype Process to date – Contents models, flowcharts – System-wide functions – Field templates."— Presentation transcript:

1 WIN-WIN GMU Team Status Report March 31, 2004

2 System Prototype Process to date – Contents models, flowcharts – System-wide functions – Field templates


4 Wireframes – Abstraction of the system – Important representation of functionality – Capture essential tasks and tools – Identify the navigation scheme and general location of the content – Focus on how the site works – Not a visual design - not the "look and feel” Low-fidelity – No colors, is not operational

5 Wireframes (cont.) Vertical Prototyping Covers a narrow slice of features and functions that work. Our focus is on: Login Manage groups Profile Add resource

6 Guest Logo, (background image), Descriptive text Login Page (Login only, like JH’s ELCs) Login User ID: Password: Submit New User Forgot Password

7 Welcome Page (Here, announcements are listed as well as system-wide functions. This is the home page.) LogoPage Title Category NamesTopic names Category DescriptionTopic Description Browse this Group System-wide tools Announcements Text about page/site Group names Group Description Home | Profiles | Email | Search Announcements View Browse Groups Create Edit

8 Manage Groups JoinCreateEditHelp System-wide tools Home | Profiles | Email | Search Announcements View Browse Groups Create Edit

9 Join/Unsubscribe Group Template Participant Roster Group Description Group contact: (name w/ mailto: ref) Cancel SubscribeUnsubscribe User id Automatically populated Category NamesGroup NamesTopic Names

10 Create Group Template Request Different Category name: Describe New Topic: Submit Cancel Enter New Topic name: Describe New Category : Enter group contact: Select Participants Doe, John Category NamesTopic NamesGroup Names Enter New Group name: Describe New Group:

11 Edit Group Template Category Names Participant Roster Category Description (administrator edits) Topic Description (administrator edits) Group contact: (name w/ mailto: ref) Cancel Submit Group Description (users can edit) Category NamesGroup NamesTopic Names

12 Create/Edit/View Profile Edit existing Profile Create new profile Help System-wide tools Home | Profiles | Email | Search Announcements View Browse Groups Create Edit View Profile Doe, John

13 Create Profile System-wide tools *First Name *Last Name *e-mail (user id) Work Address City State *Zip Homepage / website *Password *Password reminder question *Password Reminder Answer Workplace Job Title *Occupation Category Phone Submit Cancel Interests: Home | Profiles | Email | Search Announcements View Browse Groups Create Edit

14 Edit Profile System-wide tools *First Name *Last Name *e-mail (user id) Work Address City State *Zip Homepage / website Password *Password reminder question *Password Reminder Answer Workplace Job Title *Occupation Category Phone Save Changes Cancel Interests: Groups Joined: (populated by system) Home | Profiles | Email | Search Announcements View Browse Groups Create Edit

15 View Profile System-wide tools First Name: Last Name: e-mail (user id): Work Address City State Zip Homepage / website Workplace Job Title Occupation Category Phone Close Interests: Home | Profiles | Email | Search Announcements View Browse Groups Create Edit Groups Joined: (available during view profile- populated by system)

16 HIERARCHY CATEGORIES Wine TOPICS Red GROUPS Cabernet Participants Merlot Participants Shiraz Participants White Sparkling Beer TOPICS GROUPS Juice TOPICS GROUPS

17 Interaction Space Access Resource | Chat | Discussion Board | Add Resource| Manage Groups System-wide tools Interaction space tools Sample Document for Interaction Space for the Topic Cabernet : Media: Cabernet Image Web link: Announcements: Hi, Let’s Taste Wine on Thursday~ Home | Profiles | Email | Search Announcements View Browse Groups Create Edit

18 Discussion Suggestions – Visual design – Branding

19 Facilitator Role: discussion Manage categories, topics and groups Manage announcements E-mail participants regarding… Foster and facilitate member interaction Monitor community activity to ensure responsiveness to members Assist in building/maintaining participation and membership Answer participants questions Provide customer support Keep finger on the pulse of the CoP Filter out irrelevant or offensive message Set the tone of discussions Keep the discussion focused and moving forward, when it is moving slowly Contribute good information Help/encourage members to contribute information on their experience Mentor members

20 Next Steps Rapid prototyping Visual design

21 Join/Unsubscribe Group Template Participant Roster Group Description Group contact: (name w/ mailto: ref) Cancel SubscribeUnsubscribe User id Automatically populated Category NamesGroup NamesTopic Names

22 Search Existing Resources Home | Profiles | Email | | Search Access Resource | Chat | Discussion Board | Add Resource| Manage Groups System-wide tools Interaction space tools Find (button) Display Results Search Field Announcements Browse Groups View Create Edit

23 Discussion Template Compose Message DiscussionsUnreadTotal All Main One-to-One Computing Select a topic to see (or reply to) previous messages

24 Chat Template Submit Display text Enter text On-line participants

25 E-mail Template Compose Message Folder UnreadTotal All Inbox Outbox Add resource (Attach) Send

26 Add Resource Click find to select the resource you would like to upload. Cancel Submit Find Access Resource | Chat | Discussion Board | Add Resource | Manage Groups Home | Profiles | Email | Search Announcements View Browse Groups Create Edit

27 Access Resource Enter the name of the resource you would like to access or click find. Cancel Submit Find Access Resource | Chat | Discussion Board | Add Resource | Manage Groups Home | Profiles | Email | Search Announcements View Browse Groups Create Edit

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