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Reactive learning Objects for Distributed e-Learning environments Patrick Duval, Agathe Merceron, Michel Scholl Computer Science Department Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "Reactive learning Objects for Distributed e-Learning environments Patrick Duval, Agathe Merceron, Michel Scholl Computer Science Department Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reactive learning Objects for Distributed e-Learning environments Patrick Duval, Agathe Merceron, Michel Scholl Computer Science Department Engineering School Leonard de Vinci (ESILV-GI) F-92916 Paris La Défense patrick.duval,agathe.merceron,

2 Outline ● Going away from the information transfer approach. ● Reactive Learning Objects. ● Architecture model. ● Support for (pro)active learning and teaching. ● Towards a scenario for distributed e-learning environment.

3 Going away from the information transfer approach ● Many current e-learning solutions: make 'passive' course material available on the web. ● What is needed: engage students in activities. – collaborative work. – reactive learning objects.

4 Reactive learning objects: aims ● Encourage students activity, for example in adopting a learning by doing approach. – exercises. ● Encourage tutors pro activity, for example in offering them appropriate follow up tools. – store the right data about learners. – make appropriate analysis. – display in a convenient way to tutors.

5 Reactive learning objects (cont.) ● Exercises should not be only 'poor' exercises. – programming exercises should require learners to write real code and have programs executed. – SQL exercises should require learners to write real queries and have them executed. ● Exercises automatically corrected. – need of a 'sophisticated' evaluator to check answers. ● Integrated into a platform.

6 Architecture model

7 Implementation ● Currently two running objects: – SQL course. – introductory programming with Java course.

8 Support learners activities ● Exercises with immediate feedback. – learn at my pace. ● Automatic correction. – try as many times as needed. ● Store all answers, including mistakes. – consult history, support for reflection.

9 Example: attempting a Java exercise

10 Support teachers/tutors (pro) activity ● Tools to follow learners' progress: – what is done, not done, success, trials, failures. ● Tools to follow exercises difficulties: – easy / difficult exercises.

11 Example: following a student on one chapter

12 First experiences and limits ● Size of the database (that store all answers including mistakes, time). ● Single server for evaluator. ● No support for collaborative work.

13 Towards scenarios for distributed e- Learning environments ● Learners: – quick access. ● Teachers/tutors: – adaptative automated correction, taking style into account for example. ● Researchers: – access numerous data for data mining.

14 Towards scenarios for distributed e- learning environments ● Distribute storage. – notification, query, coherence. ● Distribute computing. – at least 3 different possible policies. ● Web services (whole course, evaluator). – composition of various Web services (like string matcher for the evaluator).

15 Other scenarios ? Your suggestions ? Thank you.

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