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Constructed Response On lined paper please answer the prompt on Unit 1 and technology. You will have about 12 minutes to complete this activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Constructed Response On lined paper please answer the prompt on Unit 1 and technology. You will have about 12 minutes to complete this activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constructed Response On lined paper please answer the prompt on Unit 1 and technology. You will have about 12 minutes to complete this activity

2 Unit 1 Exam grades How did you do? How would you like to improve for Unit 2? What are you going to do to make this improvement happen?

3 Do Now: If I gave you this map, what question(s) would you ask me? Why? This curiosity will help lead to the Age of Exploration

4 The Renaissance 1300-1600

5 Looking back… What does the word “ renaissance ” mean? Where was the birthplace of the Renaissance? What is Humanism? What is the definition of a Renaissance Man? What art styles did Renaissance art draw techniques from?

6 Renaissance Literature Many early Renaissance writers were critical of the Catholic church, and focused many of their writings on pointing out failures.- these writers became known as Christian Humanists. One example is Thomas More of England who wrote Utopia, Greek for “no place”, which tried to show a better model of society. –The book was about an imaginary land where greed, corruption and war are nonexistent. The Renaissance had spread to England by the 1500s, a time known as the Elizabethan Age, after Queen Elizabeth I. The most famous writer of this time was William Shakespeare. –Writers use the vernacular—their native language Some plays include Othello, Romeo & Juliet and King Lear.

7 The Printing Press Around 1440 -Johann Gutenberg a craftsman from Germany invented the Printing Press. The Printing press made it possibly to produce books and other literature quickly and cheaply. Printing Press was cheap & efficient. A greater availability of books prompted a desire for learning and a rise in literacy. New published accounts of discovery, maps & charts and inventions. Published laws and legal proceedings. New jobs available.

8 Printing Press How it works Modern Letter Press Levi’s Aesthetic Union James Tucker –Long Branch High School Class of 2002

9 Niccolo Machiavelli Machiavelli Advises Rulers –Niccolo Machievelli, author of a political guidebook, The Prince –The Prince examines how rulers can gain and keep power

10 #ModernPrintingPress What technologies do we have today that is comparable to the printing press? Who has access to these technologies? What is the potential benefit? What is the potential danger? –

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