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The Female Reproductive System! Anatomy of the female body!

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Presentation on theme: "The Female Reproductive System! Anatomy of the female body!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Female Reproductive System! Anatomy of the female body!

2 Structures of the female reproductive system: Ovaries Fallopian tubes Uterus Cervix Vagina Urethra Ovulation Eggs/Ovules Menstruation

3 Ovaries Female sex gland Produce eggs Produce hormones (ex: estrogen) ovary

4 The Ovaries Partner 1 turn to partner 2 and explain why ovaries are important in the female body.

5 Fallopian Tubes Tubes which lead from ovary to uterus Sperm fertilize eggs here End of tube called fimbria (looks like fingers) Fimbria catch the egg and draw it into the tube

6 Fallopian Tubes Partner 2 explain to partner 1 where the fallopian tubes begin and where they end. What get fertilized in the fallopian tubes?

7 Uterus Where fertilized egg implants (sticks) Baby develops here until birth Size of a small pear Lining sheds during menstruation uterus

8 Uterus Name two functions of the uterus (partners) Could a women have a baby without a uterus?

9 Cervix “Mouth of the uterus” Boundary between vagina and uterus Must open or “dilate” to deliver baby

10 Cervix This part of the female reproductive system is between the ________ and the ___________. (partner 1)

11 Vagina “birth canal” Passage that leads from the cervix to the outside of the body Baby exits body through this canal during birth

12 Vagina Otherwise known as the _________ ___________. (partner 2)

13 Clitoris Female sexual sense organ Right above urethra and vagina

14 Clitoris This is the _________ part of the reproductive system. (partner 1)

15 Urethra Tube that carries urine from bladder out of body

16 Urethra _________ sounds like the word urine. (partner 2)

17 Ovulation Process in which an egg matures in the ovary, and is then released On average happens once every 28 days Ovulation times get more regular/predictable after puberty for many women

18 Ovules/Eggs Female sex cells Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have in their ovaries Eggs mature as needed in the ovaries before being released

19 Ovulation Video source/doctors-and-experts/3d-medical- animation-ovulation source/doctors-and-experts/3d-medical- animation-ovulation

20 Menstruation Lining of uterus sheds through vagina Unfertilized egg carried out with lining

21 Menstruation (period) What sheds? (both partners) How often? (both partners)

22 What do you know now?

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