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Augusto Ninni, 2012/2013 1.  Countries  Sectors  (Multinational) firms 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Augusto Ninni, 2012/2013 1.  Countries  Sectors  (Multinational) firms 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Augusto Ninni, 2012/2013 1

2  Countries  Sectors  (Multinational) firms 2

3 1. Choose the country you prefer (not Italy, of course) → better if you can read the source texts in the original language 2. Show the main economic (and political) changes from the 90s 3. Describe the main industrial policies or competition policies 4. Focus on a policy you consider significant for the development or the growth of the country 3

4  Choose any sector you prefer, reference to any official industrial classification is not obligatory (however in this way it is more difficult: look at the following point)  Show the main performance within the sector, in terms of sales, technology, successful or failing firms, global value chains  Describe and analyze the history of a global value chain 4

5  Choose an Italian or foreign firm: it must have an Internet site showing economic information (Fortune or Mediobanca or other sources)  Show the main performance of the firm, in terms of sales, technology, internationalization, global value chains, stock market value  Analyze what is provided by journals  Interview (by e-mail) someone of the firm (executive, directors, publicity officers, PR) about the success of the strategy of internationalization  5

6  Each group has 2-3-4 people  They must choose their topic during the course  A single group has no more than 45 minutes to show the results of its analysis  The mark (up to 3/30 as a maximum) can be differentiated within the group.This mark is added to the mark out obtained in the written papers 6 Rules

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