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1042-65 Reign of Edward the Confessor 1066 Battle of Hastings Harold GodwinesonHarold Hardrada William of Normandy.

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Presentation on theme: "1042-65 Reign of Edward the Confessor 1066 Battle of Hastings Harold GodwinesonHarold Hardrada William of Normandy."— Presentation transcript:

1 1042-65 Reign of Edward the Confessor 1066 Battle of Hastings Harold GodwinesonHarold Hardrada William of Normandy

2 1087 Death of William the Conqueror. William II Rufus gets England, Robert gets Normandy 1100 William Rufus killed in New Forest 1100-35 Reign of Henry I Corps of royal justices Employment of sheriffs Treasurer and two chamberlains of the exchequer at Winchester

3 Matilda, wife of Geoffrey of Anjou Stephen of Blois (r. 1135-54) Henry Plantagenet

4 Capetians Ile-de-France Philip I (r. 1060-1108)

5 1108-37 Reign of Louis the Fat 1125 Louis places Suger, Abbot of St Denis (d. 1151) in charge of civil administration 1137 Marriage of Eleanor of Aquitaine to future Louis VII 1137-80 Reign of Louis VII

6 1152 Annulment of marriage of Louis VII and Eleanor of Aquitaine. Eleanor marries Henry Plantagenet 1165 Louis VII and Adèle of Blois have a son, Philip (II Augustus)

7 Henry II (r. 1154-89) Angevin Empire (Anjou) Taking control of nobility Increasing state income - scutage

8 Constitutions of Clarendon, 1164: Bishops to do homage for secular lands before consecration No appeals to pope by clergy without royal permission Clerics accused of criminal offenses to be degraded by ecclesiastical court, punished by royal court

9 Thomas Becket (Archbishop of Canterbury, 1162-70) “double jeopardy”

10 1160s Henry institutes procedure to bring cases to court even if the injured party is unable to 1179 Henry expands use of juries common law Henry’s court as intellectual centre

11 1189 Henry dies after defeated by Richard and Philip II Augustus 1189-99 Reign of Richard I Lionheart 1199-1216 Reign of King John

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