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KIGGELARIACEAE 28 genera, 144 species; pantropical, including Queensland of Australia. Trees or shrubs, sometimes thorny, often with cyanogenic glycosides.

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Presentation on theme: "KIGGELARIACEAE 28 genera, 144 species; pantropical, including Queensland of Australia. Trees or shrubs, sometimes thorny, often with cyanogenic glycosides."— Presentation transcript:

1 KIGGELARIACEAE 28 genera, 144 species; pantropical, including Queensland of Australia. Trees or shrubs, sometimes thorny, often with cyanogenic glycosides. Leaves alternate, simple, entire or toothed (but teeth not of salicoid type), pinnately veined or 3-veined from the base. Stipules present or absent. Flowers unisexual or bisexual. Perianth acyclic (sepals and petals spirally arranged and ±indistinguishable) to cyclic, the petals then sometimes more numerous than the sepals. Petals sometimes with an adnate adaxial scale (Erythrospermeae, Kiggelarieae).

2 KIGGELARIACEAE --- cont. Stamens 5-numerous, anthers often linear, sometimes dehiscing poricidally, initiation (where studied) centripital or simultaneous. Ovary superior, unilocular with parietal placentae. Fruit a berry, indehiscent berry (rarely woody), or capsule.

3 TRIBES OF KIGGELARIACEAE Kiggelarieae (=Pangieae): 11 genera, SE Mexico, Queensland, tropical Asia, and South Africa. Oncobeae (including Lindackerieae): 12 genera, tropical Africa, Madagascar, tropical America. Erythrospermeae: 5 genera, tropical Africa and Asia

4 Oncobeae (Warburg, 1893)

5 Kiggelarieae

6 Oncobeae Caloncoba (Gilg, 1925)

7 SELECTED LITERATURE Bernhard, A. and P.K. Endress. 1999. Androecial development and systematics in Flacourtiaceae s.l. Pl. Syst. Evol. 215:141-155. Chase, M.W. et al. [in press.] When in doubt, put it in Flacourtiaceae: a molecular phylogenetic analysis based on plastid rbcL DNA sequences. Kew Bulletin. Gavrilova, O.A. 1998. Palynomorphology of the family Kiggelariaceae. Bot. Zhurn. 83:20-27. [in Russian] Gilg, E. 1925. Flacourtiaceae. Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. Spencer, K.C. and D.S. Seigler. 1985. Cyanogenic glycosides and the systematics of the Flacourtiaceae. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 13:421-431. von Warburg, O. 1893. Flacourtiaceae. Die Natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien. Leipzig: Engelmann.

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