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Mrs. Carbajal Physical Science Honors Comprehensive Science 1 Comprehensive Science 3 Intensive Math 6 & 7 Open House.

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2 Mrs. Carbajal Physical Science Honors Comprehensive Science 1 Comprehensive Science 3 Intensive Math 6 & 7 Open House

3 Required Supplies   Required Supplies:   Composition Notebook (Students may need two for entire year)   Blue Pens and Red Pens   Pencils   Scissors   Glue Sticks   Colored pencils or crayons   Highlighter   Flash Drive   Scientific Calculator for Physical Science - STATISTICS ONLY!

4 Grading - SCIENCE   Grading: Students will be assigned a percent grade for assignments, projects, quizzes, tests, and notebooks. Each assignment will be weighted according to the following. Tests and quizzes will be given on a regular basis. Chapter tests will be announced in advance so students will have ample time to study. There will be special projects assigned periodically. Homework will be assigned daily.     Homework/Classwork: 1 or 2 grades   Lab Assignments: 2 or 3 grades   Projects: 1 to 5 grades   Quizzes: 2 grades   Major Tests: 5 grades   Science Fair Project: 15 Grades (Due November 18, 2015)   All information regarding Science Fair Project can be found at under files.     Electronic Gradebook: Both parents and students are encouraged to check the parent portal on a regular basis for updated grade information.

5 Grading – Intensive Math  Grades for Computer Work – 90 minutes a week  Worksheets  A = 90-100  B = 80-89  C = 70-79  D = 60-69  F= 59 or less  Z = failed to complete

6 Home Learning  Given Daily  Short and Long term assignments  Computer Based Assignments

7 Science Fair Project  All Information can be found at my website   15 Grades

8 Classroom Rules   Be in your seat when the bell rings.   Absolutely no talking unless you raise your hand and are recognized to talk.   Be respectful to the teacher, classmates and yourself.   No eating.   No throwing of any material   Be on time and prepared with notebook, textbook and materials EVERY DAY to class.   Strict adherence to the Code of Student Conduct.   LABORATORY SITUATIONS – Science Classes ONLY   Students must follow directions, and all lab safety rules during experiments.   No horsing around   No unauthorized experiments

9 Electronic Gradebook  Both parents and students are encouraged to check the parent portal on a regular basis for updated grade information.  This information is available 24/7. In addition, the portal can be used to email and communicate with teachers.

10  Any assignment not submitted on the due date will receive a grade of zero, which is equivalent to an “F” when grades are averaged.  It is the student’s responsibility to make-up any assignments missed. Make up Work

11 Tardiness  Students are to be seated at their desks when late bell rings.  A one hour detention will be issued upon the third unexcused tardy.

12 Contact Information  E-mail:  Telephone: (305) 386-7622  Remind/EDMODO

13 Looking forward to a great year!!!

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