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The Journey Leads to the Time of Jesus and Beyond CHAPTER TEN.

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Presentation on theme: "The Journey Leads to the Time of Jesus and Beyond CHAPTER TEN."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Journey Leads to the Time of Jesus and Beyond CHAPTER TEN

2 After the Babylonians, the Jews lived in Palestine under a succession of rulers: Introduction Persian Empire Alexander the Great Ptolmies Seleucids Roman Empire

3 - Although there were dangers with being a minority people, if the people remained faithful to God, survival was possible 1.) Nationalistic perspective: Wanted to throw off foreign rule 2.) Nonviolent resistance Foreign Rule

4 Daniel 1-6: - Cooperation with civil authorities combined with faithful prayer and obedience to God’s law will protect the Jews and allow them to survive even under foreign rule

5 Tobit: - Emphasizes benefits of traditional forms of Jewish piety - Message is that God will never abandon his people as long as they remain faithful to him Foreign Rule

6 Esther: - Says it is better for the Jews to negotiate with foreign kings and function under foreign rule than oppose them with military force Judith: - Actively stands up for her faith on behalf of God’s people - Proactive response Foreign Rule

7 Jewish History

8 - Persian period lasted over 200 years - Ezra and Nehemiah (most significant sources) tell little about the general living conditions - Official Persian religion was Zoroastrianism Jewish History

9 The Beginning of Hellenization: - Alexander the Great introduced Greek ideals,language, learning, and customs - Koine became the official language of the Near East The Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures and the entire NT were written in Greek Jewish History

10 The Persian Empire

11 Jewish History Ptolemies: - Known for retaining strong, centralized economic control of territories - Laid heavy tax on occupied people - Jews divided into factions over the issue of Greek influence

12 Seleucid Rule: - Roman Empire became a forbidding presence in religion - Internal turmoil among Jewish community -Lack of observing traditional Jewish practices Jewish History

13 Antiochus IV: - Believed the Jews were the cause of many of his problems - Forbid study of the Law, observance of the Sabbath, circumcision, and sacrifice -Reiteration of Hellenization Jewish History

14 Best Course for Jews

15 - Cooperation with Foreign Rule Adopting conqueror’s values, lifestyle, and religious views Choice of Modernists (Hellenists) No literature represents the position of total compromise Best Course for Jews

16 - Political and Military Resistance Adopted by Maccabean revolt and Hasmonean rulers Militant belief in the coming of a messiah was connected to the desire to recover Jewish independence as a nation

17 Best Course for Jews - Spiritual Resistance Maintain strong religious commitment despite political challenges Jews preferred death over defilement in the hope God would witness their suffering and rescue them

18 What happened?

19 - Rabbis rework Temple rituals - Jews spread to other regions - Synagogues were constructed as: 1. House of Prayer 2. House of Study 3. House of Assembly - State of Israel established in 1948 What happened?

20 - Zoroastrianism - Koine - Septuagint - Ptolemies - Dynasty Vocabulary - Dead Sea Scrolls - Hasidim - Pharisees - Essenes -Hasmonean -Sadduc -Synagogue -Rabbi -Zealots

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