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Welcome to World History II! Have a seat. There are NO other handouts! Everything is online.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to World History II! Have a seat. There are NO other handouts! Everything is online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to World History II! Have a seat. There are NO other handouts! Everything is online

2 What do We Do? This course covers world history from approximately 1450- present I use different learning methods- slide shows, reading, note-taking, web searches, presentations, and other hands-on activities

3 What Skills are We Working on? Emphasis on reading and understanding the textbook Interpreting primary and secondary sources Focus on writing as a way to articulate ideas

4 Course Grading Summative Assessments = 90% Formative Assessments = 10%

5 Summative Assessments 90% Prove that you know it! Tests, Quizzes, Notebook Retakes allowed on all tests only if all formative assessments are complete. No retakes on quizzes Must be done by the end of each quarter HINT: TO KEEP TRACK OF EVERYONE’S RETAKE POLICIES, MAKE AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET!

6 Formative Assessments: 10% Practice toward mastery! Includes Homework, Classwork

7 SOLs Students are required to take and pass the Virginia SOL for Modern World History in May New SOL requires higher level thinking skills and analysis

8 How Can I Support My Child? Check the web site for homework assignments and upcoming assessments Time management and organization Use the Internet to explore topics (there are links on my web site) Read the textbook with your child and have him/her summarize it

9 How do You Reach Me? Email: Phone: PFHS (571) 434-3200

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